In Spain: a great performance by Birutis and a phenomenal Canadian show / News


Photo: BNS

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The victory in the Spanish championship was achieved by the Monbus Obradoiro team from Santiago de Compostela (6-9) represented by Laurynas Birutis and Laurynas Beliauskas.

Monbus workshop in Santiago de Compostela

Saragosos Casademont

Moncho Fernandez’s students at home 102: 91 (28:23, 19:14, 38:24, 17:30) beat the Zaragoza Casademont basketball players (4-11).

Birutis scored 19 points (7/14 dvit., 5/8 penalty) in 30 minutes, bounced 9 and took 2 balls, made 1 cash pass, blocked 3 shots, caused 7 fouls, made 2 errors and scored 28 utility points .

Beliauskas added 2 points (1/3 double, 0/1 trit.), 1 effective pass, 1 error and -2 utility points to the victory in 8 minutes.

The winners were Kassius Robertson, who scored 37 points (1/7 dvit., 9/14 trit., 8/9 penalties) in 32 minutes, bounced 4 and took 1 ball, made 4 assists, caused 6 fouls, committed 2 mistakes and scored 35 utility points.

37 points: the best result in the history of the Monbus Obradoiro club.

“Monbus Obradoiro”: Kassiusas Robertsonas 37 (1/7 dvit., 9/14 trit., 35 naud. Bal.), Laurynas Birutis 19 (7/14 dvit., 9 atk. Kam., 28 naud. Bal.) , Stevenas Enochas 11 (4/4 dvit.), Alvaro Munozas 10.

„Casademont“: Dylanas Ennisas 29 (5/6 dvit., 5/9 trit., 32 naud. Bal.), Jonathanas Barreiro 19 (5/10 dvit.), TJ Bray 14 (4/9 dvit., 2 / 6 trit.), Rasheedas Sulaimonas 12.

Robertson’s performance:
