Grigeo Klaipda has provided the responsible authorities with an introduction by international experts on the determination of beer


The cardboard manufacturer Grigeo Klaipda has provided the Klaipda Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Protection Agents with a report from a foreign expert on the possible environmental damage caused by the incomplete treatment of the water collectors of Klaipda. The study on the remuneration of beer was prepared by the international company TIG Environmental, which operates in the field of environmental protection. According to its introduction, the area of ​​Kuri mari affected by the Grigeo Klaipda sewage was to be limited and the impact on spawning and zooplankton was not affected.

The company assumes and will be responsible for its activities, therefore, in order to determine the fact and scope of beer for the environment, on our own initiative we selected and used international experts who conducted more than a month of expert research and presented their presentations. As soon as we receive the media expert, we immediately hand him over to the responsible authorities, who we believe will be able to continue with the actions necessary for the investigation, says Tomas Eikinas, head of Grigeo Klaipda.

He emphasized that Grigeo Klaipda did not have the necessary competence to comment on the contribution of the experts, so the evaluation was passed to the environmental professionals: we only ordered, provided data and documents to the experts, sent the expert investigation report and the based introduction at. Together with TIG’s environmental experts, we are ready to present them directly to the responsible authorities and answer any questions that may arise.

In April-October, an Italian scientist and forensic executive director of TIG Environmental, dr. Carlo Monti.

The nearly 12,500 page report analyzes the total water effluents from Grigeo Klaipda and Klaipda as they mix with the lagoon, their composition, the impact of the effluents on the local environment and biodiversity, the ecological condition of the Curonian Spit and the landscape. It was established that the area of ​​Kuri mari affected by the Grigeo Klaipda wastewater was to be limited and the impact on spawning and zooplankton was not affected.

TIG Environmental also emphasizes that the remuneration for natural beer should be based on EU Directive no. 2004/35 / EC defines the principles and methods of compensation for natural beer, giving priority to the non-monetary method of compensation of beer for the environment.

During the investigation, the monitoring of the Environmental Protection Agency, Klaipda Water, the Klaipda Port Authority, the results of the Kuri Mari condition conducted by the University of Klaipda, the investigation of the State Food and Veterinary Service and the data were used. from the Grigeo Klaipda wastewater survey conducted by independent laboratories. Due to the wastewater generated in the company’s activities, the use of BOD7 mediag, total nitrogen and total phosphorous streams was chosen as the indicator, since biological wastewater treatment plants are used for its treatment.

The expert report states that the impact of nitrogen and phosphorus in Grigeo Klaipda’s wastewater on the water quality of the Klaipda Strait (and Kuri Mari) is likely low or non-existent. The introduction to the report also confirmed that due to the large differences between the amount of water discharged into the Klaipda water effluent and the water content of the Klaipda Strait (and the Curonian Lagoon) and the aggregation of BOD7 during oxidation of organic mediag, it is likely that the effluent from Grigeo Klaipda in the lagoon area had to be limited. The simulation results confirmed that the effect of the BDS7 mediag release even in the worst case, modeling that 85 percent. It is possible that the company’s effluent has not been biologically treated, it occurs only in the area adjacent to the discharge point. The conclusion is confirmed by the fact that no data were found on the reduction of the permissible oxygen concentration in the Klaipda Strait in the official follow-up.

During the calculations, the environmental experts at TIG took into account the fact that the rounded mean oxygen concentration in the water in the Klaipda Strait was 8 mg / l. According to J’s calculations, the Klaipda Strait flows an average of 840 m3 / s of water[1]. Taking into account the amount of water and the oxygen concentration in the water of 8 mg / l, the total flow of oxygen calculated in the strait is 6720 g / s, and the maximum possible load of average BOD7 that could generate water Grigeo Klaipda wastewater mixed with Klaipda wastewater was 62.5 g. / s.

Therefore, the decisive higher oxygen consumption of BOD7 mediag, where Grigeo Klaipda could be caused by incompletely treated wastewater and wastewater treated with Klaipda water, corresponds to approximately 1 percent. Klaipda’s narrow oxygen flow. This requires that the chemical recovery of the system by stopping the flow of BDS7 media with wastewater be carried out in an instant.

The conclusions also mention that the limit value for the total nitrogen flux was not exceeded by 10 mg / l and for the total phosphorous flux by 0.5 mg / l. Likewise, based on data from the annual report of the Kuri Mari water status survey by the Environmental Protection Agency, it is indicated that from 2012 to 2016, from the Kuri lagoon and nearby Nemunas, 1,236 to 1,795 t / year of phosphorus and 31,752 to 62 680 t / year of nitrogen. The cumulative effect of nutrient media on ecological conditions appears in the pond, however the additional amount of nutrient media allowed by Grigeo Klaipda may have formed a very small application of nutrient media. up to 0.046 percent nitrogen and 0.02%. up to 0.13 percent phosphorus.

The impact of the BOD7 mediag flow on the surface water layers of the Klaipda Strait near the icebreaker and the port of Klaipda (hereinafter the port) was evaluated. However, the average concentration concentration between the best and worst case scenarios is low. the lowest average oxygen concentration, in the worst case, in the surface water layers of the port area is 8.8 mg / l. The modeling also confirmed that the effluent did not affect the benthic layers (which is the lower part), so the benthic communities were not affected either.

Expert reports indicate that the BOD7 media, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus in the company’s partially untreated effluent did not affect the uv community, including demersal (deep-bottom and near-bottom) and migratory uv. It is also unlikely that zooplankton will be affected, since the limit concentration of oxygen that could affect the community is 4.5 mg O2 / l.

Taking into account that the nitrogen and phosphorus associated with wastewater with incomplete treatment allowed by Grigeo Klaipda forms a very significant part of the total application, it is concluded that the mentioned nutrients do not have a measurable impact on the Lagoon, nor the expected change in the ecological functions related to the permit of wastewater with incomplete treatment of the company. .

[1] Pastaba: altinis: Gasinait, ZR, D. Daunys, S. Olenin and A. Razinkovas. 2008. “The Curonian Lagoon”. In Ecology of Baltic Coastal Waters, edited by U. Schiewer. Berlin: Springer.

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