Important: Double Downtime Allowance, Job Search Allowance Extension


“Our goal is for the amount of wage subsidy paid to the employer to be related to the employee’s accrued wages before quarantine. After all, there are families in which only one parent works and supports the family. In this case During downtime, the whole family has to live on just the monthly minimum wage. We believe that double the downtime benefits will make it at least a little easier for families to go through this difficult period for all of us. ” says Monika Navickienė, Minister of Social Security and Labor.

For employers and employees

The government supported the proposal to compensate employers for the total salary (100%) accumulated and paid to the employee during the downtime and increased the maximum amount of the salary subsidy to 2 levels of minimum monthly salary (MMA), that is, at 1284 euros from next year.

Under previous legislation, even fully closed businesses had to pay 10 percent. wages during periods of inactivity, for which part of them were forced to opt for layoffs.

The ministry estimates that in 2021 it will require 180 million. 170.7 thousand euros reduced subsidies for workers, 28.4 million. 35.5 thousand euros for job search benefits. people.

The calculations are based on a six-month wage subsidy and four-month job search benefits.

Employers will also be able to take advantage of employment support measures and receive wage subsidies if they employ the most vulnerable, helping them re-enter the labor market. An employer who has hired an employee sent by the Employment Service can receive a state subsidy: for the employment of unemployed with an indefinite, unskilled, long-term disability, over 45 years of age. unemployed, unemployed under 29 or frying pan.

For employees

It was decided to continue paying the job search allowance to people who lost their jobs due to the announced quarantine. At the end of the quarantine or emergency, the payment of this benefit will cease after 1 month. Next year, the job search allowance will reach € 212 per month.

This benefit will only be granted to workers who worked before and after the declaration of emergency or quarantine, as well as if they worked in companies whose activities were restricted. The self-employed who can no longer continue with their activities will also receive the benefit.

The job search subsidy will not be awarded to students, vocational school students who have registered with the Employment Service solely for this subsidy.
