Homanit, one of the largest fiberboard producers, plans to build a plant in the Vilnius district, which will allow the company to reduce the well, which could serve as a reserve and cover half of the capital’s drinking water needs. in the event of a disaster at the Astrava nuclear power plant.
The German company will build the plant in the Vilnius district, on the territory of the former Pagiriai greenhouses, it is planned to invest about 100 million LTL in it. and create more than 400 jobs. However, its construction is opposed to the local community, which has sent letters to both the Seimas and the government.
Vytautas Vyskupaitis, a representative of the Pagiriai community, says that the unexpected and unknown reduction in the protection zone of the Pagiriai well field caused the most questions from residents. This is what gave the green light to the construction of a plant that would use hazardous substances.
Part of the area where construction is planned has entered the well protection zone, where polluting activities would not be allowed. Previously, it was this well that was designated as the groundwater reserve source for drinking water, which could meet about 50 percent of needs. Vilnius City Drinking Water Demand.
Lrt.lt claims that the construction of the plant in the reserve well protection zone helped to legalize the active shares of Invest in Lithuania. They aimed to reduce the well.
In 2018, the Ministry of the Environment declared that planned activities in Pagiriai village are subject to restrictions due to hazardous substances and that various solvents, phenols, pesticides, arsenic, boron and other chemicals are used in the production of panels. wood.
“All these substances are not only chemical, but also dangerous. Whether the use of these substances can affect the quality of groundwater resources depends on the production process, that is, whether there is a possibility that these substances enter the environment. ”Wrote the Ministry of the Environment.
According to Vilniaus Vandenai, both the municipalities of the city and the districts were interested in the arrival of investments. At that time, Invest in Lithuania assured that the process of reducing the protection zone of the well was initiated by all “stakeholders”, including the Ministry of the Environment.
Andrius Ostrauskas, director of Homanit Lietuvos, says that noise and pollution models will be carried out during the environmental impact assessment. The company is committed to taking steps to control not only noise, but also odors and dust outside the factory.
According to him, residents should not be afraid of a reduced well. Calculations and evaluations have shown that the remaining wells would be sufficient to meet the needs of both the water reserve and the population and the state on a larger scale, even in the event of an incident at the Astrava nuclear power plant.