“The study revealed that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus genome found in tissues is not different from the common SARS-CoV-2 human coronavirus genome in Lithuania. Furthermore, analysis of structural protein changes in the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus showed that tissue farm workers were more likely to become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus before they became infected with tissues, ”he says. The report.
According to the Veterinary Service, changes in the coronavirus detected in tissue samples indicate a possible adaptation of the virus to tissue survival, but the small number of changes confirms that in Lithuania, tissues have only recently been infected with coronavirus in humans.
“According to the researchers, during the investigation it was established that the spread of the coronavirus in the tissue farm in Lithuania is not related to the mutated virus, which was detected in the tissue farms in the Netherlands and Denmark. This fact confirms that the outbreak of coronavirus infection in the tissue farm in the Jonava district is not related to the outbreaks in fur farms in other countries, ”says the Veterinary Service.
In late November, the coronavirus was detected at the Danmink and Vilkija agricultural tissue farms in the Jonava district. An emergency situation has been imposed in this municipality.
This was the first case in Lithuania in which this infectious disease was confirmed in animals. Currently, there are no more outbreaks of coronavirus in fur farms operating in Lithuania.
According to the Veterinary Service, in addition to tissues infected by the Lithuanian coronavirus, a total of at least nine other countries have been found in fur farms: Denmark, Spain, Italy, the United States, the Netherlands, Canada, Greece, France and Sweden. .
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