“If we really see that this is a center of attraction, given the need to reduce contacts, reduce the amount of time people spend away from home, then we will have to offer restrictions on sales in a certain range and in supermarkets.” the Seimas said Thursday. Ingrida Šimonytė said 19 control measures.
The head of government said he was interested in the experience of other western countries and only a few have introduced such a restriction.
According to I. Šimonytė, everything in Lithuania will depend on the situation: whether the movement of people will decrease or not.
“If we see in the mobility data that this is a problem, we will try to solve it by restricting trade in non-essential goods,” he said.
Since Wednesday, quarantine conditions have been tightened in Lithuania, movement between municipalities has been unnecessarily banned, separate non-food shops, beauty salons, etc. have been closed. The quarantine regime itself has been extended until January 31.
Rimi store in Latvia
© LETA / Scanpix
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