There is a 100% salary allowance for downtime, with a maximum of two MMA


Vladimir Ivanovo (VŽ) nuotr.

On Wednesday, the government agreed that employers who retain jobs during downtime will receive a refund of the employees’ full salary (100%) starting next year, with a maximum allowance of two minimum monthly wages (MMA).

The text was updated in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Government and supplemented with the Minister’s comments.

According to the Minister of Social Security and Labor, Monika Navickienė, this will be more helpful for both companies and employees who will not leave the labor market. In addition, incentives to receive sickness benefits would be reduced.

“Some of the workers tended to register with the Employment Service because their compensation income was higher than what they could receive during the downtime, but as a result they withdrew from the labor market and it is not clear if they could return,” said the minister in a meeting on Wednesday.

According to her, the downtime payments are planned to spend up to 180 million. EUR.

Payment of the job search allowance would also be extended, ending one month after the quarantine or emergency was lifted.

The amendments to the Employment Law, which have not yet been approved by the Seimas, propose that this benefit be granted only to residents who worked before the emergency or quarantine and were fired during it, as well as if they worked in companies whose activities were restricted. that they can no longer continue their activities.

The job search subsidy would not be awarded to students, vocational school students who have registered with the Employment Service solely to receive this subsidy.

“Financial assistance would be available only to those who have lost their job during an emergency and are looking for a new job on purpose, the benefit would be in accordance with its purpose. It would be aimed at job seekers, not those looking to take unfair advantage of it. state situation, ”said the minister.

According to the Ministry’s calculations, in 2021 this would require 230.6 million. EUR: 202.2 million EUR: grants to 170,700 employees in downtime, 28.4 million euros. Eur – 35,500 people for job search benefits.

The calculations are based on a six-month wage subsidy and four-month job search benefits.

According to M. Navickienė, only for job search benefits until December 1. 107 million were spent. Eur, was received by about 266,000 people.

So far, the state has paid 70% wage subsidies to employers who declared downtime and held work during it, but not more than 1.5 MMA (EUR 910.5 before tax or EUR 656 “on hand”) . This benefit was paid if the employer paid 30% of the salary itself, otherwise the ratios were 90% and 10%, and the maximum grant was a single MMA (€ 607 before taxes or € 437 ” in hand”).

In the spring, employers had to keep half the jobs for at least three months after the subsidy was paid. Employers received no allowances that fired employees on their own initiative through no fault of their own or took unpaid leave at the employee’s request.

A grant of 257 euros was paid to the self-employed who suspended or restricted their activities.

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