The delegation of the Lithuanian Seimas to the Assembly of Members of the Lithuanian Seimas, the Polish Seimas and the Senate and Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will be headed by the President of the Seimas, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, and the Vice-President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Seimas, Žygimantas Pavilionis.
The Seimas delegation to the Assembly of Members of the Lithuanian Seimas and the Seimas and the Polish Senate will be headed by the Vice-President of the Seimas Paulius Saudargas. Seimas member Evelina Dobrovolska and Seimas member Algirdas Sysas became vice-presidents of this delegation.
The Seimas approved the Seimas member Matas Maldeikis as chairman of the Lithuanian Seimas delegation to the Assembly of the Lithuanian Seimas and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and Valentinas Bukauskas, a Seimas member, as his deputy.
Andrius Kupčinskas, a member of the Seimas, became the head of the Seimas delegation to the Baltic Assembly, and Linas Jonauskas, a member of the Seimas, became his deputy.
The Seimas delegation to the Francophone Parliamentary Assembly will be headed by the Seimas member Marius Matijošaittis, and his alternate is the Seimas member Giedrius Surplys.
Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė, a member of Seimas, and Rūta Miliūtė, a member of Seimas, assumed the presidency of the Seimas Delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
The parliamentarians approved Seimas member Emanuel Zingeris as chairman of the Seimas delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and Seimas member Arminas Lydek as his alternate.
Seimas member Audronius Ažubalis became the chairman of the Seimas delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, and Seimas member Dainius Gaižauskas became the vice-president.
The parliamentarians approved Laima Mogenienė, a member of the Seimas, as spokesperson for the Seimas delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and Kęstutis Glaveckas, a member of the Seimas, as vice-president.
Seimas member Arminas Lydeka became the chairman of the Seimas delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean, and Seimas Algirdas member Butkevičius became vice-chair.
On Tuesday, 116 members of the Seimas voted in favor of the resolution on the approval of the heads of the Seimas delegations, no one opposed, 2 parliamentarians abstained.
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