Photo: AP-Scanpix
Joel Embiid scored every minute, and the Philadelphia 76ers (1-0) led him to victory the next season.
Doco Rivers students at home 108: 99 (29:19, 21:25, 32:28, 26:27) beat the Boston Celtics (0-1).
The emblem scored 18 points in 17 minutes (6/10 double, 0/4 trit, 6/6 penalty), bounced 3 and grabbed 2 balls, made 2 assists and made a mistake at the same time.
The 76ers welcomed the fourth quarter with a 10-point lead (82:72), but eliminated all intrigue with a powerful start early in the quarter.
Mike Scott scored the triple and realized the double, Furkan Korkmaz added penalties and the hosts, who ran 8: 0, went ahead with 18 points – 90:72. The Celtics had further reduced the gap to 8 points, but they weren’t taking it seriously.
Boston’s best player, Jeff Teague, scored 18 points (3/5 dvit., 4/4 trit.) In 19 minutes, he had 1 assists and lost 2 balls.
“76ers”: Shake’as Miltonas 19 (5/8 dvit., 3/6 trit.), Joelis Embiidas 18 (6/10 dvit., 0/4 trit.), Tobias Harrisas 16 (6/8 dvit., 9 atk. Kam.), Benas Simmonsas 10.
Celtics: Jeff Teague 18 (4/4 trit.), Payton Pritchard 16 (4/4 dvit., 2/6 trit.), Jayson Tatumas 10 (4/9 dvit., 0/4 trit.).
Match summary: