M. Guduričius, who left Memphis, is in the limelight of three European clubs, but can remain in the NBA


The Grizzlies team in Memphis decided to say goodbye to Marko Gudurichiumi, who came to the National Basketball Association (NBA) last year.

The 25-year-old Serbian is announced to be on the free agent market now with 2.75 million. A contract worth $ 5,000, so any other NBA team can buy it in the next 48 hours.

If this does not happen, M. Guduričius will make a decision from Europe. Istanbul’s Fenerbahche club is among those interested, but two more teams are seeking the signing of this player under the contract.

Last season, M. Guduričius scored 3.9 points in 11 minutes, bounced 1.7 balls and made 1 effective pass in 11 minutes.

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