The slope of the extreme measure: this is the most expensive that a state can think of


“If people try to move, migrate and transmit the virus all over Lithuania in some way, I have no doubt that we will connect to take that step. There are such considerations (about the state of emergency – aut.past.), But they are very unpleasant, ”said L. Slušnys.

However, according to the member of Seimas, the introduction of a state of emergency is an extreme scenario that is not expected to be necessary. On the possibilities of introducing a state of emergency in Lithuania, its advantages and disadvantages Delphi spoke with L. Slušnis.

– You mentioned in the public sphere that, even if the situation does not change, even harsher solutions may be necessary, namely the introduction of a state of emergency. Is that possibility being considered at Seimas? How real is she?

– No one intends to introduce a state of emergency at this time. Those deliberations are still in a small circle and only in the reflection stage.

About the state of emergency, I will say the main thing. This is the most expensive thing a state can come up with. If such a decision has already been made, imagine that it is the expulsion of all structures, the structures of force to control public life. It is such a jewel that its scarcity is one of the reasons why it is very difficult to make such decisions.

Is it worth spending so much or shooting so much ammunition will we achieve the desired result? An emergency means enormous costs for any state.

– So, if we think about the negative consequences of an emergency, about the threats it poses, one of the main risks is the very high costs?

– The costs are tripled. You close deals that carry money and spend money from the budget. In addressing the emergency, in particular, a cost-benefit analysis would be carried out. I don’t think the Seimas would approve of these things so easily. This is a part.

Child psychiatrist Linas Slušnys

Child psychiatrist Linas Slušnys

© Photo of the organizers

The other part is the control itself. By declaring a state of emergency, you begin to conflict with society. A part of the public, by the way, a large part is very good at following the quarantine rules. Teachers and many people in other areas follow most of the rules a lot: they did not communicate, they did not approach, they avoided other contacts.

That is, by introducing such a situation, we are saying that the work that these people have done is worthless. People have tried, followed instructions, it’s hard to imagine saying this place: yes, that situation is really necessary.

The third thing I see would be to further stand up groups in society that oppose everything and say that everything here is stupid and unnecessary. Such a follower would be even more encouraged by such a decision. It would also create a kind of internal conflict that could be exploited by forces hostile to us.

I see many disadvantages in declaring a state of emergency at this stage in my life.

– And what could be the benefits of an emergency as a tool to manage a coronavirus pandemic and its crisis?

– What are the advantages and when can this happen in general? When you no longer take care of the dying and the healthcare system. When the time comes to realize that there is nothing to go to a medical institution because there are no places, no one to work, no one to serve.

If we got to such a situation and the problem was of that nature, then surely we would have to consider when to take the next step to introduce a state of emergency.

– Should we think of an emergency only as a last resort when everything else has been tried?

– Absolutely. I always say, dear Lithuanian citizens, that the cheapest way to save ourselves is to follow all the established rules: reduce contacts, be with those who are not infected, if it is necessary to work remotely, then reduce contacts to a minimum.

The slope of the extreme measure: this is the most expensive that a state can think of

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The cheapest thing is to activate the highest level of my shyness when I realize that I am also safe for five or ten other people if I take good care of myself. Here’s the cheapest and no one will put a nail on the budget.

– In other words, with the restrictions announced by the new Government, are we in a position that its success or failure depends more on society, on each one of us?

– Yes. Also, let’s not forget that there are fines. If the requirements are not met, there are fines and they are not reduced. They are quite large fines. People must be extremely responsible.

Yes, I agree, there will be no police next to every apartment. We will definitely not build.

I really want people to act like my neighbor during the quarantine last spring and wonder why I don’t have a mask. I can thank you. This is very important: we will react to those around us and then we will not have to take extreme measures.

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