“Virtus” changed his mind: he recovered the fired A.Jordževičius and the Serbian player | Euroleague


On Monday evening, one of the European Cup favorites announced that 53-year-old A.Jžordževičius was leaving Bologna together with his assistant Goran Bjedov and fitness coach Mladen Mihajlovic.

Serbia had to be temporarily replaced by Cristian Fedrigo, who had previously worked as an assistant, and reports have already appeared in the media that Virtus is interested in Željko Obradovic, Luca Banchi and Sergio Scariolo.

However, the new man. the Italians’ coach will lose the search. A.Jžordževičius met with the leaders of “Virtus”, who decided to leave the Serbian in the team.

It is interesting that during the last 24 hours the Bologna Club managed to hand over another Serb, Stefanas Markovičius, who criticized the Virtus executives’ decision to fire A. Jordževičius.

“When decisions are made by people who don’t know basketball,” wrote S. Markovičius on Instagram.

Virtus has already announced that S. Markovičius will remain in the team and will be fined for his message on the social network.

Scanpix / SIPA nootr./Stefanas Markovičius

Scanpix / SIPA nootr./Stefanas Markovičius

By the way, after the news of the dismissal of A.Jordževičius, Tuttosport announced that the club’s most expensive basketball player, another Serbian Miloš Teodosičius, might not remain in the Italian team.

Virtus is running smoothly in the European Cup this season and has won all seven games. The Bologna team is a bit worse in the local championship, where Virtus has 5 wins and 4 losses.
