Photo: BNS
Unexpectedly, Alexander Džordževičius of the boss. The Bologna club “Virtus”, which fired the coach, returned the Serbian to the helm of the team.
Points are earned this season
Georgiyevich’s dismissal was announced after Virtus started the Italian championship with 5 wins and 4 losses, despite the Serbian-coached team winning 7 matches of the same number in the European Cup.
The club also announced earlier that it was divorcing Stefan Markovich, who criticized the club’s decision immediately after Georgezevich’s dismissal. However, the player remains on the team.
“The basketball player will be fined, but he will stay with us,” explained Luca Baraldi, one of the club’s directors.
The Italian newspaper La Repubblica reported on Tuesday that the names of Željko Obradovic, Luca Banchi and Sergio Scariolo were on the list of candidates for the Virtus administration.
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