On Monday night, the famous woman shared a post on social media, which she agreed to share with 15in readers. The woman claimed to have a mild form of coronavirus, Živilė also asked all his followers to be careful not to walk anywhere and to drink a lot of vitamins.
“Having Covid19 with two minors means:
- holding the baby with one hand, measuring the copying temperature with the other hand, and not holding the third hand for two years, so as not to break the windows by throwing objects and jumping to the lying limbs;
- deal with one ear to listen for dry or wet cough, with the other – if there is shortness of breath, but there is no longer a third ear for the daily discomfort of children;
- breastfeed baby at the same time, make linden tea, make lunch, do not raise your voice, do not cry, change diapers, measure temperatures, hug, sue, take, lift, carry, talk on the phone, sleep, play, do not drink , do not break;
- feeling an endless tickle in your nose, as if it were soaked in pepper, and keep looking for smells; you feel tremors, weakness, headache; perhaps even such, I would say, mild intoxication;
- remembering that in recent days, although episodically, he will continue to see his parents, asking them every hour if they have any symptoms, and he will regret a lot and without success;
- Be so criminal and no longer have the strength to say nothing about seeing how upbeat and energetic you’ve been outside for a while. little boy smiled, flipped the bottle and spilled yours I won’t say some costing serum;
- constantly running through his mind from where he brought the virus, from where he left it, but still cannot accurately trace it;
- as the condition improves, thank you for the pretext that you have received all the vaccines against influenza, pneumonia and others, recalling all the studies that you have read in the hope that they can ease the course of the crown;
- regular intake of vitamins D and C;
- be confirmed by two “rumors”: that some are much more severe than others, and that a positive result comes within 1 day and a negative result within 2 days;
- Constantly asking a question that has been asked many times by those who have recovered: for me it is easy, and how is it for others who are in more severe form?
- Be good, be careful and don’t have much to go; trust me, you really don’t need it all. Maybe it’s better not to go anywhere. And if there is a lack of activity when you are not going anywhere, and you still want to go somewhere, go to Facebook and report all the comments about 5G, Soros and all the other nonsense spread by various astronauts. Last time I checked, there are a lot of disappointing comments on Vytautas Kasiulevičius posts.
And we thank you for that, it seems that we are already recovering quickly, ”wrote Živilė.