A mysterious new obelisk has been discovered on the Isle of Wight in Great Britain.


A gleaming monolithic column sharpened on top of a crowd of curious people, seen Sunday morning at Compton Beach on the Isle of Wight, sparked speculation about its provenance.

A similar column had appeared briefly in Utah last month, and two more were seen two days later in Southern California and Romania.

The first find fueled the imagination of fans of UFO watchers, conspiracy theorists, and director Stanley Cubrick’s 2001 movie Space Odyssey (2001: A Space Odyssey), which also shows found alien monoliths.

An anonymous art group claimed credit for the installation in Utah, but no one claimed responsibility for the obelisks found in Romania and the Isle of Wight.

Some locals in Romania said that the obelisk found on a hill in one country is a poorly made copy of an American. The curious people of Compton Beach were also suspicious of seeing the copycat work.

“The man who built it there knows what he’s doing,” Tom Dunford said, noticing a 2.2-meter high column as he led the dog on Sunday morning.

“It just came to our attention then. I don’t believe in any conspiracy theory,” he told Sky News.

Isle of Wight resident Alexia Fishwick described the find in an interview with the BBC as “incredibly graceful”, despite the fact that “many people have gotten over it by ignoring it,” she said.

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