The Police Will Share Animal Repellent Ultrasonic Whistles: Where To Put Them?


At Curonian Spit, most of the road to Nida runs through pine forests. Road signs constantly warn of potential dangers to wildlife.

Within the limits of the municipality of Neringa, last year 31 cases of car collision with an animal were registered. This year: 27. In total, there were 502 such cases in Klaipėda County.

The goal is to prevent disasters

According to Aurelija Studencova, Chief Specialist of the Prevention Division of the Public Order Service of the Klaipėda County Police Chief Commissariat, a preventive campaign will take place on Tuesday at the Curonian Spit and small whistles will be distributed to drivers and will be placed on the vehicles. It emits high frequency sounds: 16-20 kHz.

“This device is lightweight, small, usually mounted on a car. It can also be mounted on a mirror. At a speed of at least 30 kilometers per hour, it makes a sound that humans do not hear, but animals do. This deters them and helps prevent traffic accidents, “said the interlocutor.

Such whistles can be bought in supermarkets near auto supplies, online stores.

“During the preventive campaign, they will be distributed free of charge. As with the reflectors, we hope that people will use them instead of putting them in a drawer. Sometimes a collision with a seemingly small beast can lead to big losses. We hope that such a measure helps to reduce such collisions, save animals and our property, “said the official.

Where to paste it?

Osvaldas Orda, Head of the Company’s Radiocommunication System 15 minutes He told me about his experience with this device.

“At first, I had it stuck between the mirror and my body. But the following happened: the dog stopped getting into the car. Yes, riding is the most convenient place here, but when I reached a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour on the highway, I began to hear a slight and discreet sound. I then moved the whistle to the underside of the car as recommended by the manufacturer and, on the front bumper, to the grill. Then the dog started getting into the car again. But something else happened: the attached whistles at this location require additional attention. The problem is that during the rainy season they get clogged with dirt and they still have to be cleaned, ”said the head of the company.

According to him, the whistles appeared on the Lithuanian market 5-6 years ago, but for many drivers it is still new. The history of these devices began in Austria, where research was carried out to protect animals from escaping onto the road. Electric ultrasonic transmitters are currently installed on motorways in Austria.

Klaipėda County LSC Photo / A small whistle is mounted on the exterior of the car

Klaipėda County LSC Photo / Small whistle attached to exterior of car

When asked if the effectiveness of such devices has been evaluated, O. Orda assured that they are effective even when at least one life is saved.

“It just came to our attention then. No one has counted, and could not count, how many lives have been saved. However, if the effect is at least 1 percent, it is already effective. A whistle cannot be said to be 100 percent. protective cent: after all, an animal can be deaf and the whistle can be obstructed. There is no complete protection, “said the interlocutor.

On the market, the price of such whistles is 9-15 euros.
