Photo: BNS
Edgaras Želionis, who completed his line of statistics with various indicators, improved his personal record in the LKL.
Man of the match
Pasvalys forward “Milk Stars” (6-5) scored 37 utility points and led Gediminas Petrauskas’ troop to victory 87:64 (20:20, 22:12, 20:17, 25:15) against Šiauliai (2-8).
The 31-year-old Želionis, who was not wrong from a distance, scored 22 points (4/8 doubles, 3/3 trit., 5/6 penalty), grabbed 13 and took 3 balls and 3 assists.
The previous record for high performance LKL utilities was 35 points.
When Denis Krestininas struck from distance at the start of the second half, Šiauliai was still ahead at 23:20, but after that the hosts accelerated 12: 2 and after the triplet of Tomas Lekūnas and Želionis they lost 10 points – 39:29.
The 9: 3 section of the third quarter allowed the Pasvalys to firmly take the initiative into their own hands – 51:35, and before the decisive lead they crossed the 20-point mark – 62:41.
Pasvalys, who dominated under the baskets, made 15 second chances, at which point Šiauliai bounced 8 balls off the opponent’s side of the court.
The other Milk Stars forward Paulius Petrilevičius scored 19 points (8/9 double, 0/1 trit., 3/4 penalty), grabbed 5 and took 2 balls, blocked the shot, caused 4 fouls and scored 27 points from utility.
Milk stars: Edgaras Želionis 22 (13th rev., 5th ed.), Paulius Petrilevičius 19, Tomas Lekūnas 11 (1/6 trit.), Danielis Amigo 10.
“Šiauliai”: Elvaras Fridriksson 15 (5th grade), Andy Van Vliet (3rd place) and Arminas Urbutis 11 each, Denis Krestininas 10.
Match summary:
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