The Gražulis scandal has also reached the UK: it has caught the attention of one of the largest portals | Names


“Lithuanian anti-LGBT politicians were ridiculed after a half-naked man appeared behind him at a remote meeting,” is the title of the Mail Online article.

Charlotte Mitchell tells foreign readers in detail the sequence of events that caused the scandal, quotes Lithuanian news portals, shares images from the stop and a short excerpt from the video of the meeting.

15-minute photo / Excerpt from an article on P. Gražulis on the UK Mail Online portal

15-minute photo / Excerpt from an article on P. Gražulis on the UK Mail Online portal

The text also emphasizes many times that P. Gražulis is probably the most famous anti-LGBT politician in Lithuania, who has repeatedly protested against Pride events in Vilnius.

“I’m sure there is a completely innocent explanation, ‘or not,'” said Peter, who read the article on Mail Online.

We remind you that Fr. Gražulis himself changed the version of history more than once. He initially reacted angrily to the situation and rejected 15 minutes call, then claimed his son was standing nearby, but after half an hour he changed his mind again.

On Thursday, a Seimas politician continued to reiterate that Andrius Tapinas, who had been posting the video on Facebook for the first time, appeared “half-naked” and “pursued him for a long time.”

“When Tapin wrote, I thought there were no half-naked. Several times I had to turn around because there was a tenth of a second, what a second. I thought about montage or what. But Tapin! I swear, this is Tapin. And listen to Tapino? Ask that, “said P. Gražulis.

VIDEO: P. Gražulis on blinking during a remote meeting: “Tapin hid in the closet and came out suddenly”

When the journalist noticed that the man seen in the video did not look anything like A. Tapinas, P. Gražulis objected and reiterated that “now it is possible to do all kinds of waxing, hair, beard, the image can change.”
