Kristina, who lives in the southern part of Klaipėda on I. Simonaitytės Street, and her husband have already received 12 notifications about parking tickets this year. The woman said neighbors were shocked: For 30 years no one was trapped in a car parked on sidewalks in narrow yards.
You will pay fines before the holidays.
“In order to accumulate a large budget, which was lost during the quarantine, the state decided to ‘punish’ the cars parked in the patios of Klaipeda. People living in our area after 30 years and more say they have never been fined for parking in the yard on the sidewalks, because the cars are parked neatly, leaving a portion for pedestrians to pass. ”In recent years, residents who park their cars on the sidewalks have been massively punished.
The woman’s family has two cars. This year, they and her husband have already received 12 tickets. He was outraged that the fine imposed was not immediately notified. The first message comes after quite a long pause. During the time that a person suspects that they have been sanctioned, they receive new fines. Yes, according to Kristina, the resident does not have a chance to make amends and is further ruined.
Photo from the Facebook group “Klaipėdos reidai” / A photo from the southern part of Klaipėda was shared on social media last week, where officials punished KET violators.
“In our case, in August, the family was expecting a raise. The man worked from home and our machines remained immobile most of the time in the yard. COVID-19 encourages people to work from home and some have lost their jobs. As a result, the number of cars in the yards increased, the parking lots filled up, and the police decided to make repairs, ”Kristina said.
A little later, she learned that before giving birth, she was fined for leaving the car in the yard. In September, while the family cared for the baby, the cars were parked. During those few months fines of € 270 were imposed.
In November, the family was again informed of the fines. “As the most beautiful holidays of the year approach, we have received a lot of fines instead of Christmas gifts, which we now have to pay for the September payment before December 31st. Is this normal? Klaipėda got upset .
Police: rules apply to everyone
“It is important to understand: the police do not know who works from home or raises young children. Does not matter. It is not about not imposing fines, but about not committing infractions. There are rules about how cars should be parked and they should be observed, ”said Andromeda Grauslienė, representative of the Klaipėda County Police Chief Commissariat.
Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Police
According to her, the police receive many reports of rapes in the Klaipeda yards. Cars are parked on sidewalks, green gardens, playgrounds.
“It just came to our knowledge then. Officials receive photos or complaints from other residents and respond. It is true that when they come on duty, for example, for domestic violence, and they see that the cars parked in the yard break the rules, they react” the spokeswoman explained.
He assured that the police do not aim to collect more fines, the goal is to maintain order.
“It just came to our attention then. Thousands of messages. Therefore, it is natural that notifications about fines arrive in a few weeks or months,” explained A. Grauslienė.
He recalled a case in which the director of a company approached officials. The man was outraged to see that the fines imposed on his company already exceeded € 500. It turned out that for a long time he simply did not react to reports of violations of company employees driving cars.
Collection plan exceeded
Marius Poimanskis, Head of the Administrative Activity Branch of the Municipality of Klaip Municipioda, said that municipal law enforcement supervisors do not conduct raids on yards on their own initiative. Many messages are answered.
Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Patio of the apartment
“It just came to our notice then. Some residents want to see a green lawn under the windows. Others are looking for where to insert the car. We received a complaint when the car was parked by the stairs. So that the neighbors could not open the door. Here and now we have a photo of a Mercedes parked in the center of the city. “Two wheels of a car – in a sandbox for children”, said the interlocutor.
According to him, this year the municipality was expected to supplement the city’s budget with 400 thousand. euros. During the ten months of this year, more than 404 thousand. euros.
These include speeding tickets posted for stationary speedometers, irregular parking, advertising violations, etc.