
President Gitanas Nausėda had already visited the ship Independence, but he remained suspicious of suspicious transactions related to the terminal. Presidency photo
At present, Lithuania has committed to purchasing 340 cubic meters of gas per year from Equinor (this can accommodate 4 ships).
For several years, the Ministry of Energy has seen that this amount is significantly too high, so it proposes to halve the amount of gas purchased, up to 2 ships. The main argument is that since there is too much gas, consumers (businesses and households) are paying a lot for it. However, Ignitis argues that Lithuania will still have to pay the Norwegians the amount stipulated in the long-term contract or compensate for the damage.
Former MP Artūras Skardžius, who headed the Seimas temporary commission investigating the situation in the energy sector, reminded Vakaro žinios of the prehistory of this scandal, which put us in such an unenviable situation.
„Government of Andrius Kubilius, 2012 Leaving the government, already after the Seimas elections, he approved by resolution the description of the purchase of liquefied gas for the terminal. According to that description, Litgasas was specially established, headed by Rokas Masiulis, who also directed Klaipėdos Nafta. Later, Litgas was led by Dominykas Tučkus, who together with R. Masulis and Equinor consultants negotiated that we would buy 30 percent of the gas for five years. more expensive than the market price.
It is more expensive because several fuses have been added, which almost war can contribute, there will be a shortage of gas and they are going to deliver them especially to us, ”the deputy deputy recalled.
Additionally, under the agreement, Lithuania committed to purchase LTL 570 million per year. cubic meters of gas or 6 ships per year. As a result, we overpay an average of $ 30 million a year. This load is borne by all consumers, such as those who do not use terminal gas.
Furthermore, in the first year of supply (2015), the loss (the difference between the purchase price and the market price) was more than 50 million euros. approved by the State Energy Regulatory Council.
“In 10 years, as much as the power of the contract, we will lose a total of about 300 million. euros. When we pressured Algirdas Butkevičius to replace A. Kubiliai as Prime Minister in the Seimas, his Government negotiated with Equinor 340 million cubic meters per year, but the contract period was extended from the previous 5 to 10 years and was not agreed a lower price, “politicians revealed.
According to him, Lithuania lost with the rewriting of the contract, and only Equinor won. Because according to the previous term of the contract, we would have committed to buy 2,700 million cubic meters in 5 years (540 cubic meters per year), and 4 billion cubic meters (340 million after 10 years).
“The Norwegians will sell more gas at the same price per cubic meter. The government of A. Butkevičius only extended the duration of the contract.
Consumers are seen as winning. Yes, we will pay less during the year, but we will pay even more more, because the term of the contract has been extended, “emphasized A. Skardžius.
According to him, the Saulius Skvernelis government was equally astute: it allegedly cut the terminal’s annual maintenance, but borrowed 140 million. Deprive the lease no more until 2024. and until 2044. and it would seem to be cheaper. But in reality we will pay more and continue to impose a burden on future generations.
“Žygimantas Vaičiūnas, now acting Minister of Energy, has promised me publicly in the Seimas at the end of the last legislature that he will terminate the contract with Equinor, which is absolutely unnecessary for Lithuania, and we have secured the gas for this fall. Now only speaks twice, because the Norwegians do not speak in isolation Of course, if we unilaterally terminate the contract, we would have to pay huge fines.
However, Norway is our economic partner, direct political, strategic partner in defense, etc., we have a huge network of service stations, so we really don’t want anger. “Equinor is not a private company, it has more state capital than private capital. Therefore, it is only necessary to have intensive negotiations at the state level. But there is none, because apparently someone is benefiting from a contract of this type that it is detrimental to Lithuania. “
According to him, the Mazeikiai oil affair is deservedly considered a 20th century affair, and the history of the LNG terminal deserves the title of a 21st century affair.