Coocooma creator Rūta Mackevičiūtė will celebrate Christmas in a bigger family: she has had her second child | Names


In 2017, loved ones took their daughter Sofía into their hands for the first time, and now they are already happy with another family member.

E.Fedotov, a father of two, now posted good news on his Instagram account on Tuesday night. Here he shared a photo of the Santara clinics. The photo shows his beloved R. Mackevičiūtė holding a newborn in her hands.

“The family is growing” – wrote Eduard next to the photo.

R.Mackevičiūtė announced that she was expecting her second child in July, on her birthday.

“Birthday is the limit by which we count the work done! Like all the others, this year has been full of challenges, challenges, new first generations, moving forward. A lot has happened and is still happening: a new study from Coocoomos in Vilnius old town, new houses that we are waiting for and maybe we will get, but as always, something is stuck.

However, this year we will hear the most important, impressive and joyous news, ”wrote R.Mackevičiūtė this time.

Then the woman 15 minutes suggested that this pregnancy was a bit surprising.

“The news was pleasant and joyful, although we were not expecting it yet. But, as they say, children arrive at the most opportune moment. Sometimes you plan, you plan and you don’t necessarily do it like that …”, said R. Mackevičiūtė.

It is true that the creator of Coocoomos assured that he did not have or has a specific plan of how many descendants he would like to have.

“It is very important to me that as my children grow up, they get all the love and attention possible from their parents, she wants to be a caring mother who raises and cares for her children herself. This is how I try to treat my daughter Sofia, so I hope this will also be the case in the future, ”Rūta shared in his thoughts.
