Aware: 2020-12-01 09:24
Road repair work in Poland. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)
In Poland, the construction of the port of Klaipda with the Balkan ports begins on the section of the Via Carpatia highway that connects the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
This is what the Polish radio announces. In the automobile of this country, several directions have announced a contract for the construction of the first section of Via Carpatia in the country from Białystok to the south. The 13-kilometer stretch of the motorway will be built for almost 400 million zlotys (89 million euros) by 2024.
According to the Polish Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, Rafal Weber, Via Carpatia will undoubtedly have a positive economic impact on the eastern regions of the country and on the development of the country’s economy as a whole.
Vía Carpatia is not only a strategic transportation route, but also a highway that will contribute to the economic development of our eastern part of the country. Where roads are built, businesses are built, says the Polish radio quoting R. Weber.
According to the Via Carpatia project, the Klaipda highway through Kaunas, Białystok and Lublin from Poland, Koic from Slovakia, Debrecen from Hungary to reach Lugoj from Romania, where the country’s port of Constance, Svilengrad from Bulgaria borders Turkey and Greece, as well as the important Greek port of Thessaloniki.
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