Next week there will be even more snow, colder –


There will be even more snowy clouds coming to our country next week, the driest weather will be from the middle of the week, but then the cold will hit a little harder.

Sunday night was quite cloudy, there was some clear rain in western Lithuania, it rained from time to time, meteorologist Paulius Starkus told LRT radio. Most of the precipitation occurred in the east of the country, drizzles and drizzles prevailed. The temperature dropped to negative values ​​in most of the country, but there were few frosts, only down to 1 degree cold, but that was enough to cause burns on wet surfaces. So it was slippery both at night and early in the morning. The wind was not strong.

On Sunday we will be in the western part of the cyclone, said meteorologist P. Starkus. The sky will be mostly cloudy, only in some places there will be clear skies in the short term, there will be precipitation in most of the country, mainly snow. In the first half of the day it will be small, of short duration, and in the afternoon an area of ​​slightly more active snowy clouds will approach the eastern areas, so it will snow with increasing intensity, but it will only be in the eastern area of ​​the country. In the other part of the country, I’ll just squirm. The temperature will not rush to rise on Sunday, in most of the country it will be between 0-1 degrees, only on the seashore it will be a little warmer, and in the east of the country in some places and during the day the temperature will remain slightly negative, up to 1 degree cold.

The new week will also start without major weather changes, the meteorologist said. The next night, the snow will also move west, so it will snow in many places and the wind will not be strong. Temperatures will drop a little faster in most of the country, they will be negative, except on the seashore. It can also cool down to 4 degrees, so again you will have to watch out for burns. There will be no major changes on Monday, with many clouds hovering in the sky that will continue to swallow precipitation, mostly snow, and mixed rainfall is likely unless you are on shore. The temperature will be similar to Sunday’s, ranging from 1 degree cold on the eastern side of Lithuania to 4 degrees hot on the seashore, but around 0 degrees will prevail.

Tuesday will be quite similar. At night we will still have a lot of precipitation, mainly snow, but the day will already be drier, said meteorologist P. Starkus. The temperature will also vary slightly: between 3 degrees cold and 2 degrees hot at night and 1 degree cold to 4 degrees hot during the day.

The other days, Wednesdays and Thursdays, it should be drier, with no major rains, but a little cooler, down to 1-6 or even 2-7 degrees below zero.

Valentina Gudienė (ELTA)
