“Or do you want to take the Public Procurement Office and buy it? If they know so well what is possible and what is not. In fact, they are already fed up with those in your comments. If you have suggestions, you can send them to the lab and they are always waiting for your help, ”commented the operations manager about the situation.
He stressed that the head of the laboratory has already explained that efforts are currently being made to get out of the situation.
“And do it by increasing openness and transparency as much as possible. It is clear that such a mechanism had never been needed before, because there were no such processes, there were no such needs, everything was planned long in advance.
It seems the Office of Public Procurement is stuck in the bygone era in something and in no way can it survive. So far no emergency situation appears to have entered into force for this service. It’s a shame that this is the case. And once again, if I want to urge my colleagues in Public Procurement not to submit comments, but to submit written proposals, and perhaps even to go to the live laboratory and consult the employees who make public purchases, “he said. A. Veryga.
The investigation would suffice for a couple of weeks.
Speaking with the minister, her adviser Lina Bušinskaitė, if we were waiting for the deadlines provided by law, it would no longer be how to conduct the investigation.
“Even better, it would probably be better for the VPN itself to take and buy at least one large purchase when there is a situation where purchases that are carried out through normal procedures stall.
As the lab mentioned yesterday, waiting for the end of routine procedures, and then the end of January may come, and there will be a practical lack of facilities for testing in two weeks. The service itself could do at least some shopping, ”he said.
As reported by the lab on Wednesday, there are currently 514,000 swabs left. units, and virological medium, of which 327 thousand remaining. Units will be sufficient until mid-December.
The remaining 534.5 thousand tubes. should be sufficient by the end of December, and the PCR reagents required for the studies, with 248 thousand units will be sufficient until the beginning of January.
There are also almost 363.5 thousand left. units of RNA reagents, it is indicated that they should be sufficient by mid-February and no further purchases are planned.
“In order to ensure the continuity of the investigations, we have taken all the necessary measures to obtain in a timely manner all the necessary means to carry out these investigations. The lack of materials could occur in mid-December, according to the media. However, this should be avoided through an “improved” model of undisclosed negotiations, “said Dan Bakša, Director of NVSPL.
However, the Office of Public Procurement (VPN) warned that in this case the law does not provide for contracting through unannounced “enhanced” negotiations, but said it intends to assist the laboratory in ongoing purchases.
“The law does not provide for a purchasing method such as improving unpublished negotiations. Unannounced negotiations are unannounced negotiations,” Jovita Petkuvienė, acting head of the service, told BNS on Thursday.
“If the lab thinks that going to more suppliers than one makes buying here somehow different, it is still an undisclosed negotiation,” he added.
The service says it will provide assistance
J. Petkuvienė also stated that VPT intends to assist the laboratory with respect to ongoing acquisitions.
“We intend to apply, provide methodological assistance to the laboratory, and state in writing that unpublished negotiations should be chosen only in exceptional cases,” said the head of the service.
According to her, undeclared deals can only be used for short-term, but long-term open acquisitions.
“If there is a great lack of measures now, it is possible to fix it through unannounced negotiations only for a short period, but in the long run you should think about implementing open contracting,” said J. Petkuvienė.
According to her, the European Commission foresees how negotiations should be carried out without prior notice, but in Lithuania this method is understood differently.
“The EC emphasizes an important point that when negotiations take place without prior notice due to urgency, this is an absolutely exceptional case and it is not even possible to think of going to a participant. The EC says that a participant can be contacted when, for objective reasons, only that participant can submit an offer, ”said the head of the VPN.
“This is how Lithuania has gone, the imagination since the spring has been that if negotiations are not announced, I resort to that one, but still, even then, an attempt must be made to ensure competition,” he added.