In the third quarter of this year, the average income of the full-time workforce exceeded 1.4 thousand. on paper. That’s about 130 euros, or 11 percent. more than in the same period last year.
The average annual income of the population grew faster than in the first and second quarters of this year, and by more than 10 percent. approximately four out of ten workers saw income growth.
“It appears that the first quarantine only slowed down revenue growth in the second quarter, but in the third quarter, revenue continued to grow like at the beginning of the year,” said Kristina Zitikytė, advisor to Sodra’s Statistics, Analysis and Forecasting Division. , at a remote press conference.
The salary fund for all employees since February of this year. it had risen 5.7 percent in the third quarter.
Women suffered more
The number of beneficiaries of unemployment benefits in the third quarter of this year, compared to the same period last year, increased by half, to almost 60 thousand. up to 90 thousand. The average unemployment benefit for the entire month was 356 euros. The number of new recipients of unemployment benefits stabilized in the third quarter compared to the quarantine period.
Statistics show that although the majority of the unemployed are mostly young men, the pandemic has hit women the hardest, with many more losing their jobs.
K.Zitikytė said that during economic crises there is never an equal impact for everyone, generally some groups in society feel the impact more.
However, he said that men tend to feel the crises more, as the manufacturing and commercial sectors manifest themselves during the economic recession.
According to a Sodra representative, it is said that women tend to work more in areas that are not related to economic fluctuations, such as education or nursing.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Kristina Zitikytė
“Unfortunately, the pandemic affected women the most,” said K. Zitikytė.
He compared the difficulties of the late 1990s with the current crisis.
Comparing data from the fourth quarter of 2008 and 2009, the unemployment rate for men increased by 130 percent and that of women by 60 percent.
Meanwhile, when comparing data for the third quarter of 2020 and 2019, female unemployment grew by 70 percent, compared to just 43 percent for men.
From the beginning of this year until September, 3.6 thousand women were laid off. more than accepted, at that time 9.1 thousand men. more accepted than rejected.
Sodra cites several reasons for this.
Women are primarily exposed to the coronavirus.
First, more than two-thirds of parents who care for children who cannot attend quarantine schools are women.
Second, periods of incapacity for work of up to three months and sickness benefits have become a lifeline for some women, especially those working in the sectors most affected by the quarantine.
In occupations whose workforce has declined the most during quarantine, women make up the majority of workers. These include travel consultants, chefs, or hotel managers.
Third, most women also work in healthcare settings where the COVID-19 virus is most at risk.
“Today’s women are more exposed to the coronavirus,” said K. Zitikytė.
Not all recovered after the first wave of quarantine.
For some sectors, the first quarantine has long-lasting effects that persist to this day. The number of employees in hotels and similar temporary accommodation also decreased by 16% in September compared to January, in the manufacture of furniture for offices and shops – 19%, in travel agencies – 23%, in insurance agents and brokers – 16%.
For many businesses affected by COVID-19, Sodra has deferred social security contributions in a simplified way. Most deferred tax companies are engaged in restaurant and catering activities, as well as transportation companies, auto services, food and beverage providers, hotels and clothing stores.
“The impact of the pandemic in these areas was clearly felt also in the third quarter, it did not disappear anywhere,” said K. Zitikytė.