Red, dehydrated eyes are a familiar sensation, probably to everyone who spends more time in front of the computer, the press release says. Pharmacist J. Juodsnukytė says that quarantine has a very strong effect on the condition of the eyes.
“Always in autumn and winter, the condition of the eyes deteriorates, because the heating season begins, the air dries up, and the mucous membrane of the eyes dries. Currently, the mucosa of the eyes is especially dehydrated, because we spend a lot screen time, so not only dry air is harmful, “he says.
When you experience the first signs of dry eyes, it is recommended to worry immediately and not wait for your eyes to turn red every day. The first symptoms can be overcome by a pharmacist who will help you choose the drops that hydrate the mucous membranes.
Such drops are recommended to be infused 3-4 times a day as needed and more often if necessary.
It is important to note that eye drops are usually valid for up to half a year. The pharmacist warns that older drops should not be used as they will have lost their sterility and can cause even greater inflammation of the eyes. With the exception of special single-dose containers, they last longer.
“The drops are the first step to improve the condition of dry eyes. There are many different drops in pharmacies, which are not medicines but only eye aids, so you can choose the drops yourself and instill them. eyes become red every morning, they begin to swell, a yellow discharge is produced, then it is necessary to go to the doctor the same day, and it is likely that medication drops will also be prescribed ”, says the pharmacist.
Healthy habits can also help the condition of the eyes. For people who spend all day in front of the computer, the pharmacist advises at least every hour to look into the distance, to drink tea quietly looking out the window, so that the eyes rest from the tense gaze. If possible, try to be outdoors, ventilate the premises regularly.
In addition, it is important to pay attention to proper hygiene, not to touch your eyes with your hands, especially if you are in a public place and you run the risk of catching your eyes. The pharmacist reminds that it is important for women to clean their makeup at night, as it damages not only the skin but also the eyes.
Also, more and more people are practicing screen diets. According to the pharmacist, whenever possible, it is very useful to rest your eyes from the screens at least one day a week and not use them.
“It would be beneficial not only for our eyesight, but also for our well-being,” concludes the pharmacist.
5 tips for good eye condition:
1. Take regular breaks from your computer.
2. Ventilate the room.
3. Practice the screen diet as much as possible.
4. If your eyes feel dry, use moisturizing drops.
5. Avoid touching your eyes.
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