During the 2020-2024 period of the Seimas, three parties are attributed to the opposition, namely the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union (LVŽS), the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) and the Labor Party.
No consensus will be reached
Last week, the LSDP presidium decided not to sign an opposition cooperation agreement. According to the president of the Social Democrats, Gintautas Paluckas, the conclusion of an agreement of this type would be neither relevant nor convenient at this time.
“The Social Democrats have their own agenda and will do everything possible to implement it. And the agreements written between the opposition factions at this stage, especially when the Labor Party “abandoned” the opposition and chose to cooperate with the Conservatives, are not timely because there is no common political agenda, “Paluck commented on the decision.
At the time, the Labor Party denied the Socdems’ words that they no longer belonged to the opposition. The party is not in a hurry to rule out the possibility of signing a cooperation agreement with fellow opposition, but stresses that it will depend on the peasants.
“I think there would be nothing terrible here. If the peasants want it. Because lately they have felt excited, a lot of great emotion in their rhetoric and words, little constructiveness and search for common solutions. If that changes, I think anything is possible”, said Andrius Mazuronis, vice president of Seimas and worker of tv3.lt.

He stressed that the party seeks constructive cooperation between opposition forces so that everyone can achieve their goals.
“We don’t want empty emotions and empty mud one on top of the other, as is happening now. I very much hope that this ends soon and that we can move forward in a constructive way, working in opposition, all trying to present their decisions or proposals for the future Government program or some new ideas ”, said A. Mazuronis.
Two shadow governments
At the end of October, G. Paluckas considered that the Social Democrats would create a partial shadow cabinet, because due to the number of members of the factions and the duplication of powers, they would not be able to bring together the entire cabinet.
However, Algirdas Sysas, the largest of the LSDP faction that unites 13 party members in the Seimas, points out that not only members of the Seimas can form a shadow cabinet. It is true, he said, that the question of the government of the shadow society remains theoretical.
“We haven’t talked about it in the faction or in the party yet. Theoretical [klausimas] it remains. If there is such a desire, we will form just one question, alone or with someone.
We will not take the steps of the conservatives, making all members of the Seimas ministers is not the fairest decision. Still, one has to know that area. There are many people in the party, besides outsiders, there are many partisans in the vicinity. I think it is not a big problem for us to assemble a shadow government, “said A. Sysas on tv3.lt.

For its part, the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants says it is already forming a shadow government that is stronger and superior to the ruling majority.
“I have asked Saulius Skvernelis to form a shadow government, I have received his proposals. And now we have to agree on those positions in the party. This is our shadow government, looking at the government formed by Šimonytė, of course, sometimes more capable and more experienced.
When working in the opposition, it is very important that the public see what decisions, in what area, the government is taking wrong, to be able to argue this. It is a pity that during the four years that we were in charge of the Government we did not have a shadow government ”, said Ramūnas Karbauskis, president of LVŽS.
He confirmed that Saulius Skvernelis would be the shadow prime minister and that the rest of the cabinet would consist mainly of members of the LVŽS faction.
“Not just group members, but most of them will definitely be group members, because it’s easier to work with them. We have several former ministers and former committee chairs in our faction, our faction is very, very strong and really it will form the basis of a shadow government ”, assured R. Karbauskis.
At the time, the Labor Party said it had not considered a shadow cabinet.
“So far no such idea has occurred to us, because, in fact, we don’t see much need. If we had to do it, I think we could really do it, ”said A. Mazuronis.
The question of the opposition leader remained in the air
Last week, the leaders of the opposition parties in the Seimas discussed a possible cooperation. The peasants suggested to the parties that the leader of the opposition, as in the previous legislature, could be replaced on a rotating basis.
However, A. Sysas, the elder of the LSDP faction, claims that the Social Democrats are withdrawing from such discussions for the time being.
“It just came to our attention then. You have to start working, look. In general, an opposition leader comes up when he arises [Vyriausybės] program and you have to oppose it, ”said Sys.
Mazuronis, who has attended several meetings on the joint work of the opposition, says that so far no concrete decisions have been made on these duties.
“The conversation was abstract, nothing concrete there,” said A. Mazuronis on tv3.lt.
R. Karbauskis confirmed that so far the issue of the opposition leader has not been resolved in any way.
“We do not have enough people in the faction to have a single opposition leader. No one has yet expressed a desire to form a coalition. The Social Democrats have said they will not. Now nothing happens,” said R. Karbauskis.

The peasant leader added, waiting for the first votes, especially Tuesday’s vote on the approval of Ingrida Šimonytė by the Prime Minister. So, according to R. Karbauskis, it should be clear who the real opposition will be.
“We have no idea how the Labor Party will vote. Because one must declare opposition, the other must be. We don’t know yet, we are still unclear whether they will actually vote as opposition.
On Tuesday, all those who will vote against the appointment of Šimonytė as prime minister, logically, took the first step in opposition. Because after that [seks balsavimai] before the program, before the budget ”, said R. Karbauskis.
In total, the opposition factions unite 55 members of the Seimas, the ruling majority – 74. On Tuesday, the Central Election Commission will consider R. Karbauskis’s request to resign from the mandate of a member of the Seimas. In this case, the opposition would unite 54 members of the Seimas.