There are slippery sections on the roads, road users warn: snow is almost all over Lithuania


Shutters hamper traffic conditions in most parts of the country and slippery stretches of roads are scattered, the Traffic Information Center reported.

Road users are asked to take into account the condition of the road surface and to choose a safe speed instead of the maximum speed and not to make sudden maneuvers.

In eastern Lithuania, state-important road surfaces are dry. In a country without rainfall. Air temperature from 3 degrees cold to 2 degrees hot.

According to the Hydrometeorological Service, precipitation is expected in some places in the western zone during the day, with light rains. In the second half of the day, the southwest wind will increase, in some places in the western areas the gusts will reach 15-20 m / s. The highest air temperature is 3 to 8 degrees hot, in eastern Lithuania about 2 degrees hot.

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