Almost half a year without elevator in nine-story Vilnius: residents voted for a new one, but will not buy an elevator in the store


Supported by the majority of those who voted

The old apartment building on Žirmūnų Street has been without a lift for several months. It broke down in July, it was decided that it was not worth repairing, it was necessary to replace the elevator with a new one.

How 15 minutes Donatas, a resident of this house, said the house is managed by the Mano Būstas Neris company, whose employees held a public vote on the new elevator.

According to the minutes of the meeting of the re-election scrutiny commission (the meeting took place on September 11), during the vote for the new elevator 38 votes were received, of which 29 expressed consent to change the elevator. Two ballots were invalid, seven voters voted against. Even the owners or residents of 70 apartments did not express their opinion. A total of 108 newsletters were sent out.

I call and write to them, they tell me that the vote is underway, so I have to wait to get in touch with me.

The protocol establishes that the price of the new elevator will reach 55 thousand. euros.

Promises to contact but does not

However, this is the end of the vote, Donatas says: “After that, nothing happens. I call and write to them, they tell me that the vote is underway, so I have to wait to get in touch with me. And that’s why they’ve been trying to contact me for a month and a half. I write and call them almost every day, I always get the same response to get in touch.

We have no idea why we cannot get information on what voting is taking place at the moment, where it is taking place and when there will be an uprising. The house has nine floors, many older people. “

According to Donato, both he and his neighbors are upset by this lack of information. They don’t even understand what else the vote will take place until December 31, if the minutes of the previous vote have already been announced.

Donatas shared an excerpt from the correspondence with representatives of “Mi Vivienda”, in which he only learns that the vote is still in progress and that he has to wait. There is no response to the comment that the vote has ended, which the resident illustrated by sending a copy of the minutes.

Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / The elevators are disconnected in the Karoliniškės district of the capital

Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / The elevators are disconnected in the Karoliniškės district of the capital

“And when it comes to inconvenience, there are a lot of older people in the house who can’t even take out the trash,” Žirmūnų str. resident.

You will not buy an elevator in the store.

My house, for its part, denies, however, that the vote has ended and nothing is happening.

Ordering, manufacturing and installing a new elevator takes a long time, around 3-4 months. An elevator is not a product that can be purchased immediately in a store.

“We always urge residents not to wait for state-accredited inspectors to declare an elevator unusable and shut down the unit. Because ordering, manufacturing and installing a new elevator takes a long time, about 3-4 months. An elevator is not a product that can be purchased immediately in a store.

In the case of this house, already in 2019, neighbors were warned about the elevator stop and invited to make the decision to change it. In March of the same year, a vote was held, but the residents did not make any decisions. This was followed by a vote in early August this year, but again to no avail. It was only in September that the owners of the house approved the replacement of the elevator, so its installation works will begin in early January next year, ”said the comment. 15 minutes said Paulius Ugianskis, head of the communication group at UAB City Service, which runs the Mano Būstas company.

The municipality can only mediate

Eglė Šlajūtė, Head of the Housing Administration Department of the Vilnius City Municipality, states that the municipality does not collect data on replaceable elevators, nor does it influence processes when elevators need to be replaced or repaired.

“We often receive inquiries and requests regarding elevator repair issues, sometimes about elevators stalled in older apartment buildings that endanger the safety of residents. In this case, the owners of the premises have two options: replace the elevator with a new one or repair the elevator.

As we have no data on what decision was made in this case, we cannot comment in more detail. We believe that the elevator replacement or repair process may have been delayed due to the above-mentioned procurement procedures of the public facilities managers and the winning company’s contractual obligations, as the public facilities managers do not change or repair the elevators themselves, these works are bought, ”said E.Beber.

He also stated that the owners of the facilities, who do not find a common language with the administrator of public facilities, can always contact the Vilnius City Municipal Administration, whose specialists will investigate the situation and, if necessary, provide obligations for repair the elevator as soon as possible.

About half of the elevators – 40-50 years

Mantas Romaška, director of the Baltijos Liftai company, which maintains more than 1,300 elevators in Vilnius alone, says about 40 percent. the elevators they maintain are old, between 40 and 50 years old. This company replaces about 50 elevators per year.

“In general, the lifespan of an elevator is up to 25 years. Of course, timely action, that is, modernization, major renovation or replacement of an elevator without waiting for it to break down or forcibly stop, can not only avoid unnecessary inconvenience, but also extend the life of the elevator.

We send information about the status of the elevators to the managers or community leaders of the elevators supervised on a regular basis several times a year, but we note that there is often a last minute wait until the moment it is necessary to stop the elevator. However, if the state-accredited inspection body concludes that the operation of the elevator is dangerous, there is no other way out: the elevator will stop, ”said M. Romaška.

If the state-accredited inspection body concludes that the operation of the elevator is dangerous, there is no other way out – the elevator will stop.

According to M.Romaška, the main reason why it is difficult to make a decision is usually economic: “Therefore, we are flexible and offer more than one action that can be taken, so that the population can choose. It is possible to partially upgrade the lift by replacing only the worn-out units. This is the fastest and cheapest option. The second solution is to recondition the elevator. In this case, all the main elevator units are replaced, the car and the rimmed ground floor door are renewed. The third option is to replace the elevator with a new one.

Next, a resident representative should organize a meeting of residents of the home. During the meeting, the status of the elevator is presented and the solutions of the supervising company are presented. If necessary, we also participate in the meetings and answer all the doubts that may arise for the neighbors ”.
