Ensures SAM in Photos with COVID-19 Patients – Dummies


Mannequins in SAM photos with COVID-19 patients.

On social media, especially in groups spreading liars about COVID-19, there is a widespread claim that in the photos SAM distributes, it is not the people who are lying on the beds, but the mannequins. Such statements are widely shared, as are comments on SAM’s official Facebook account.

The ministry is accused of trying to mislead people and falsify information about the real situation of the pandemic in Lithuanian hospitals.

Fake message

Fake message

© Screenshot


This lie is quite easy to deny, because when you enlarge the photo, you can clearly see that it is a man lying face down.

More severe COVID-19 patients who need oxygen are placed in the abdomen, as this helps air reach a larger part of the lungs. However, this is only done in patients whose blood oxygen levels have dropped dramatically.

According to experts, lying on the back, the body weight presses on certain parts of the lungs, so that when a person has difficulty breathing, his condition is further complicated. Oh, lying face down, on the contrary, some compressed parts of the lungs “open”.

Patients are kept on their stomachs until 4 p.m. per day, then folded over at the back to make it easier for doctors to inspect and assign necessary treatments and procedures.

Lying on the abdomen of patients who need extra oxygen is nothing new. Seven years ago, French researchers and doctors discovered that, in such a position, the patient’s chances of survival increased significantly. The results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

This was clearly stated in the COVID-19 guidelines, and even at the beginning of the pandemic, he was trained by doctors working with viral patients.

On that basis, it can be safely said that the accusations concerning the mannequin in the photograph are unfounded. Each of these can be verified by enlarging the photo.

  • Sources
  • Positioning in the prone position in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome; nejm.org
  • “Something So Simple to Do”: Why Turning Covid-19 Patients Face Down Can Save Lives; edition.cnn.com
  • Rescuers trained to fight COVID-19 passed the test; rsl.lrv.lt

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