SAM has updated its self-isolation rules – DELFI


According to data from November 16, 100.5 thousand people are currently isolated in the country. people. These are people who have been diagnosed with coronavirus, people who have been in contact and come from affected areas.

A person with a coronavirus infection should be isolated in a well-insulated apartment, house, or room, and no other person can live in the same room during isolation.

If this is not possible and family members agree, the patient can be isolated in a separate, well-ventilated room. In this case, the patient should restrict movement at home and reduce sharing in the common space by always wearing a mask that covers the nose and mouth while in common areas. If possible, the patient is advised to use a separate toilet.

If a person is isolated in a dormitory-type room with a separate sanitary unit, they are prohibited from entering the common rooms, food and other necessary facilities through the outer door of the patient’s isolation room.

Exceptions apply when it is necessary to care for a child with coronavirus or a person with a disability. Then it is better that the patient is cared for by a sick person and free of chronic diseases. At all times when communicating with the patient, both the caregiver and the ill person should wear a mask covering the nose and mouth as much as possible to maintain a safe distance.

Isolated persons living with a patient must remain isolated for 14 days after the last day of contact.

Also, if there are several patients in a family, they can all be isolated in one room.

Isolation principles:

• Do not leave the isolation area without the permission of a healthcare professional. Travel to or from the isolation point is prohibited, if necessary for research or in other cases, with the permission of a healthcare professional.

• Stay in regular contact with your current healthcare professional.

• Do not accept guests or visitors at all times during isolation.

• Take care of food and other necessary facilities remotely: ask friends or family or contact companies that provide necessary facilities or food delivery services, if this is not possible, these services should be provided by the municipal administration .

• If your prescription needs to be filled, contact your family doctor remotely.

• If you have scheduled visits to specialist dentists, change the date of the visit to a later date.

• Measure your body temperature daily and monitor your condition due to shortness of breath *. If your condition deteriorates, contact the Coronavir hotline at 1808.

* Often, shortness of breath is psychological in origin. It is important to assess whether breathing at rest (more than 20 rpm) or shortness of breath persists.

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