The best match of the season for T. Sedekerskis


The victory in the Spanish championship was achieved by the Vitorian team “Baskonia”, who are at home 80:74 defeated the Obradoiro CAB team in Santiago de Compostela.

Rokas Giedraitis and Tadas Sedekerskis defend the honor of the winners.

R.Giedraitis scored 9 points in 29 minutes (0/3 double, 2/3 trip, 2/2 penalty), bounced 5 balls, made 2 assists, provoked 2 fouls, but made a mistake once.

T.Sedekerskis scored 9 points in 16 minutes (3/4 doubles, 3/3 penalty), bounced 4 balls, caused 2 fouls.

Laurynas Beliauskas scored 12 points (3/3 double, 2/6 trit., 0/1 penalty) in 29 minutes, bounced, took the ball, caused 3 fouls and once fouled.

Laurynas Birutis did not play due to injury.

Luca Vildoza was Baskonia’s top scorer with 19 points, and Jake Cohen scored 17 points for the losers.

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