Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė was elected the first elder deputy of the Seimas TS-LKD faction.
The Seimas of the new legislature met today. A new page is being translated into life across the state, as well as our partisan communities. We will work to justify the mandate that the electorate has given us. And personally, as we have said many times, we will give all our efforts where we are most needed at that time, “he said.
Conversation with I. Šimonyte
G. Landsbergis informed reporters on Friday morning after the faction meeting that if he received the support of his colleagues, he would run for the Seimas TS-LKD faction elders.
“I’m going to run,” he said. So far, he knew of no other possible candidates for the elders of the TS-LKD faction of the Seimas.

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Ingrida Šimonytė
When asked if he would not be a minister and had not received a proposal from the conservative prime minister I. Šimonytė, G. Landsbergis explained that the faction is now being decided.
After clarifying whether he would not work as a minister when he became the senior of the Seimas TS-LKD faction, G. Landsbergis replied: “At the same time, no.”
Did G.Landsbergis receive I.Šimonytė’s proposal to become a minister? He explained that there were some considerations.
“It was just a question of whether he would consider whether such a need existed. “… If there was a need, I would consider it,” he commented.
It was just a question of whether he would consider whether such a need existed. (…) If necessary, I would consider it.
G. Landsbergis stated that the faction must have an elder, the beginning of the work of the Seimas is important: and that the new members of the faction would feel good, would know what to do, and because of the negotiations and work.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Gabrielius Landsbergis
When asked if he is convinced that his place at the moment, only in front of the elder of the Seimas faction, and not in any ministry, G. Landsbergis assured that he did not want to enter into speculation.
“I only see one day at a time now. The group needs an elder today and it seems to me that work is important. And I have repeatedly told the media that I see my task at Seimas as considerable and quite important work, ”said the conservative leader.
In the new Seimas, TS-LKD will have the largest faction. During the parliamentary elections, 50 conservative candidates were elected.