We already report orally and of course we will report in writing, because when the new methodology is not approved, the 2018 methodology is valid, and does not provide such opportunities to trade electricity with Russia, which the Latvians seem to have started to do. These are objective facts and they need to be recorded, ”L. Linkevičius told Knowledge Radio on Thursday.
Latvia began trading electricity with Russia a few days after Lithuania stopped trading electricity with Belarus immediately after the commissioning of the Astrava nuclear power plant.
Latvia claims that it is based on a new methodology agreed between Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian power transmission system operators, allowing trade with Russia, but the Lithuanian State Energy Regulatory Council, which has not yet approved it. , declares that the methodology is not yet valid.
According to the 2018 methodology, there was no direct electricity trade between Latvia and Russia. The new methodology allows a certain amount of electricity to be imported from Russia, but this electricity must have a guarantee of origin showing that it is produced by non-Belarusian electricity producers.
L. Linkevičius stated that negotiations with Latvia on instruments to blockade the Astrava nuclear power plant are continuing.
“We are constantly arguing with the Latvians, sometimes we do not agree, sometimes we agree, there is a normal negotiation process here, I think it will continue,” the minister said.
L. Linkevičius spoke the next day, the Seimas European Affairs Commission called on the Lithuanian government to increase pressure on Latvia on electricity trade with Russia. MPs say they suspect that the energy produced by the Astravo nuclear power plant may enter the Lithuanian market in this way.
On Wednesday, the committee proposed that “the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania report in writing to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, noting that Latvia has violated the 2018 tripartite agreement (…)” on electricity trade with third countries .
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