He said if we will snow at Christmas: today it was clear


“It is a very important day, the last autumn holidays. After St. Martynas winter begins, neither winter nor autumn, because it is the last day of golden autumn. Protestant countries celebrate this day with great solemnity, because Martynas Luther was born on his eve ”, says the ethnologist.

Gave tributes and profits

It highlights the fact that November 11 was important in antiquity mainly from a political point of view.

“It was a moment of homage, during St. Martyn it was the last deadline to pay tribute to the state, to the duke, to the king. When the peasants gave what, as they said, belonged to Caesar, they also settled accounts with the artisans.

This day was also a celebration of the honor of the artisans. For the miller, the blacksmith, the ratchet, the herbivore: these people, their earnings, which had accumulated during the year, had to be handed over until today ”, says L. Klimka.

Children invited in the winter

According to the ethnologist, when the artisans received their earnings, the shepherds, who were the oldest of the shepherds, went home and the children herded the animals alone. They did this until there was no snow, and only after the snow did they start going to school.

“This day was very welcome for the children, they performed these types of rites to make them fall asleep faster. You could say that it is a celebration of children, it can even be called a celebration of the white goat.

The children carried a white goat around the birch somewhere in the desert with songs, jokes, rituals and so they would shout in the winter so that they would not have to graze the animals to go to school. All those songs and rites are destined to succeed in some way in subverting the rhythms of nature to your advantage.

Ethnologists are very interested in these winter screaming rites, because they contain echoes of ancient rituals, the ancient Baltic religion, which later became children’s games. This day is really interesting, with children’s games, folklore and the desire to go to school, which is not very typical now, “laughs L. Klimka.


The weather was approaching for next winter

The ethnologist says that this day is also important because it is a weather forecast day. Starting with what is November 11, it is possible to predict what many of the long-awaited St. Christmas:

“If during St. Martyn you will put the hen in the water, which means the scores are not frozen yet, then during Christmas the hen will be on the ice. As today is a hot day, it seems that we will see a white Christmas, with snow. If it disappeared today, Christmas would be wet. It was said that “if Martynas with ice, Christmas with Brad” and vice versa “.

In ancient times, people predicted the weather of the coming winter based on the roast goose, because it can be considered one of today’s symbols.

“On this day a goose was roasted for such a festive lunch, because all the obligations were fulfilled. And he could also guess from the chicken’s sternum what winter would be like.

“When you eat a goose, look at a sharp sternum, and if there was more brown, it means that the winter will be easy, with thaws, and if it was white, it means that the winter will be snowy and deep,” says the ethnologist.
