It was announced Monday morning. that the first solemn inauguration of the first Belarusian nuclear power plant in Astrava has been suspended. Yesterday it turned out that it was due to an incident: on Sunday, the first unit stopped working due to the explosion of the highway voltage transformers. This happened just one day after the power plant was increased with the permission of A. Lukashenko.
Ramunė Stasiūnaitienė, deputy director of the Radiation Protection Center, acting director, told a press conference on Tuesday that experts had stated that this did not lead to radioactive contamination in Lithuania.
According to her, this is proven by data from radiation background measurements.
“The readings are controlled seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day,” he said.
The specialist added that as soon as contamination is noticed, people will be informed immediately. He urged not to believe the conspiracy theories that are being spread.
“I make sure that the Lithuanian people are informed in a timely manner,” he stressed.
R.Stasiūnaitienė stated that he had received information that the purchase or intake of iodine in pharmacies had been intensified. According to her, iodine tablets should be available, but should not be used without a separate SAM recommendation.
Nuclear power experts, he said, say that in cases where transformers burn out, radioactive pollutants do not enter the environment.
In the event of an accident, worst-case scenarios are modeled, he said.
“Depending on the direction and speed of the wind, the radioactive cloud would reach Vilnius in a couple of hours,” he said.