62 members of the Seimas voted in favor of running for the CC, 23 MPs were against, 10 abstained.
On Tuesday, after deliberations, the Seimas approved the appeal and, at the proposal of the President of Parliament, Viktoras Pranckietis, made the decision to vote on the appeal urgently.
During the hearing, conservative Jurgis Razma said that if there were reasonable doubts about the results after the elections, few politicians would object to the possibility of verifying the CC. However, according to the politician, such action and the content of such an appeal must comply with the law.
“With this initiative that we are considering, not everything is in order, there are those aspects. If we pass that resolution, <...> like Seimas, we would be a bit ridiculed in the Constitutional Court for our legal illiteracy, ”said J. Razma from the Seimas rostrum.
According to the conservator, it was necessary to submit an application to the CC before November 3.
“We all clearly see how today is,” said the politician.
According to him, the text of the appeal “does not support any criticism” and, according to J. Razma, contains absolutely false statements. LLRA-KŠS assured that they had not been given the opportunity to respond in A. Tapinas’s publication. However, the Curator notes that the public suggested that the LLRA-KŠS give their opinion before distributing their publication.
In the opinion of J. Razma, if the Seimas sent such an appeal, it would not be worth waiting for any other result than the rejection of the CC. As a result, the Conservative has announced plans to abstain.

“We just realized that the elections were rigged. See what’s going on in the US This has never been the case in history, even the dead vote, finding several hundred dead who vote for Biden. Carry the ballots for another two to three days after the election. Too much for Biden winning. Without a doubt, the Supreme Court will add the points “a” there, ”said Petras Gražulis during the appeal to the CC about the US presidential election.
According to the politician, if the difference in a single-member constituency is up to 50 votes, the ballots are counted again. According to P. Gražulis, this should have been done in the elections according to the party lists.
“Why didn’t the CEC recalculate those votes? It’s complicated. I could have worked and recalculated for a few days and maybe there would have been no such complaint,” said P. Gražulis.
The Seimas member proposed to support the call to the CC.
“Let’s not argue, we are late, but let’s apply,” said P. Gražulis.

LLRA-KŠS member Rita Tamašunienė assured that her party had filed the complaint on time, but Seimas President Viktoras Pranckietis did not fulfill his duties, did not inform Seimas members and did not convene a session.
“We hope there is an opportunity to defend and defend our truth,” said R. Tamašunienė from the Seimas rostrum.
According to the politician, the CC must say if the “truth of his party is true and if it must be defended.” According to her, Freedom TV has chosen which candidates and parties to praise and which to criticize. According to R. Tamašunienė, Laisvės TV has not registered either as a participant in the election campaign or as a disseminator of public information.
He asked for approval of the appeal and awaited the conclusion of the CC.

“I will ask the truth. Many different interpretations were added to the words of my colleague Česlav Olševskis. I will try to explain the whole situation in a coherent way, which is now trying to make a big wave,” V. Pranckietis addressed his fellow MPs.
According to him, he received the first letter from Valdemar Tomaszewski on October 26. According to V. Pranckietis, the content of V. Tomaševskis’s letter was similar to that of the present complaint. The head of parliament sent the letter to the Public Administration and Municipalities Commission, which found no reason to consider the matter.
V. Pranckietis claimed that he had received another letter on November 1. 4:37 pm

“I did not have the opportunity to call a session at the initiative of the Seimas Electoral Law, it no longer made sense to call a session for something,” assured V. Pranckietis.
However, the president of Seimas suggested a special urgency to the issue so that the decision on the appeal would be made the same day.
Ask if Tapin’s action affected the election
The CC wishes to ask the conclusion if during the elections of the Seimas Andrius Tapinas and the public institution Laisvės TV carried out a large-scale political information campaign “Everything is fine, Woldemort” did not violate the requirements to mark the source of the funds publish the compromised material without giving the opportunity to respond. He wonders if this action had a significant impact on the Seimas elections.
The CC also asks whether the numerous violations of the vote counting and electoral campaign rules detected in the single-member electoral district of Paneriai-Grigiškės during the first round of the Seimas elections allowed the Central Election Commission to accurately identify the candidates who they entered the second round.
In the Paneriai-Grigiškės electoral district, LLRA-KŠS candidate Renata Cytacka did not enter the second round of elections by 93 votes. After the CEC recalculated the votes in this constituency, several violations were detected.
The Seimas Legal Department indicated that the deadlines established to present a request to the Constitutional Court for violation of the Seimas Elections Law expired on November 3. However, the initiators claim that this happened not because of the Seimas, but because of the Speaker of the Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis.
At that time, the spokesman for the head of parliament Paulius Žeimys informed BNS that the first complaint from the LLRA-KŠS was received on October 26, it was forwarded to the Seimas Public Administration and Municipalities Committee.
According to him, the second request signed by Valdemar Tomaševskis to submit a request to the CC was personally received by the head of parliament already after 24 hours specified in the law. deadline to appeal against the election results.
The law stipulates that participants in the Seimas elections may appeal to the Seimas or the President within 24 hours after the decisions of the Central Election Commission, and the Seimas or the President will address the Constitutional Court within 48 hours with a request regarding the violation of the Electoral Law of the Seimas.
LLRA-KŠS claims that the law on Seimas elections was seriously violated by a campaign started by the publicist, host of the Andrius Tapinas program, with the aim of preventing the party from entering parliament.
The Central Election Commission stated that the “Todo Bien, Voldemortai” campaign and the “Todo Bien, Valdemarai” publication were negative LLRA-KŠS advertisements, but did not violate the electoral campaign law, since neither A. Tapinas nor “Laisvės TV “They participated in the political campaign.
Tapin says he has not violated any legislation.
LLRA-KŠS did not exceed the 5% required in the Seimas elections. voting cartels and will not have their own political groups in parliament. The party will be represented in the Seimas by 3 MPs who won their seats in the single-member constituencies.