The family doctor Jurga Dūdienė stated that only after conducting an examination of the nose and throat (nasopharynx) is it possible to find out who is the real culprit of the disease.
At the same time, the doctor recommended: “Because the coronavirus is spreading very fast right now, you should stay home even if you experience mild cold symptoms.”
Often times, the coronavirus presents with relatively mild symptoms that do not necessarily occur all together.
Your doctor may indicate that these symptoms may include a fever between 37.1 and 38-39 degrees. The temperature may be jumping, rising to 40 degrees one day and only 37 the next. This fever can last longer.
Other possible symptoms of the coronavirus include fatigue, weakness, headache, muscle aches. “Some people say they feel like they have done a lot of exercise, they notice that their back hurts, that their bones are broken, they say ‘flu’,” said Dr. J. Dūdienė on her Facebook account of the social network.
COVID-19 can also be characterized by a sore throat and a dry cough. Runny nose, nasal congestion can also occur; smell, loss of taste (recover after recovery).
According to the doctor, the infection can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.
So what to do in case of mild COVID-19 symptoms?
Here are the doctor’s advice from a Facebook post:
“Mild COVID-19 is treated at home with medications to relieve symptoms.
Increased coughing and shortness of breath, chest tightness are already a warning to us that extensive testing is necessary: X-ray of the blood, lungs, and oxygen saturation of the blood (using a pulse oximeter, a device that is placed on the finger), to show if there is a complication: pneumonia. This would already be a moderate COVID-19 disease and doctors would already decide on additional treatment. And even when pneumonia is detected, antibiotics are prescribed and, in the absence of an exacerbation of other chronic diseases (such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lung or kidney disease), stable patients with moderate COVID-19 can be left at home for treatment. monitor the condition by consulting a family doctor over the phone.
Jurga Dūdienė
How To Help Yourself Relieve COVID-19 Symptoms:
- Drink lots of fluids – suitable for all teas – herbs and berries, water.
- Allow yourself to have a fever, as long as it doesn’t make you feel particularly uncomfortable – Only at temperatures above 38 degrees our body produces special warriors against the virus – interferon, so when drinking plenty of fluids, in the presence of hot (red) hands and feet, the temperature cannot be “beaten”. Of course, if there are no other conditions that worsen general well-being. It is important to mention that for some people ibuprofen, an anti-fever medicine, can increase blood pressure; therefore, even if you don’t have high blood pressure, measure your blood pressure, and it is worth discussing with your family doctor. In fact, ibuprofen and acetaminophen are safe medications, it is important not to exceed your prescribed daily doses. And do not “refrigerate” these medications with cocktails, hot drinks, which also contain paracetamol. Read the composition, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
- For a sore throat and dry cough, lozenges are best, will hydrate the lining of the throat, soothe coughs (especially menthol, licorice, Icelandic lichen, sage); Also suitable for rinsing sage, calendula tea, hot steam inhalation. I strongly recommend not rushing to start expectorant medications – ambroxol, acetylcysteine type tablets. In this way, only a severe cough starts. For the treatment of dry cough, it is enough to drink a lot of tea and suck lozenges to hydrate the mucosa of the throat.
- To treat a runny nose: aerosol medications, administered for 3-5 days, valuable nasal wash with salt water (there are strict rules). Next, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
- Good bacteria (It is always good to help our virus-stricken bodies; a well-functioning intestinal microflora is a powerful pillar of our immune system.)
Another important point is that you should not start taking antibiotics on your own with COVID-19, a mild form of “prophylaxis.” Only in the case of complications from the virus, which can include bronchitis and pneumonia, and only when we can see in the clinic and blood tests that a bacterial infection has contributed, do we prescribe doctors. In no way do I recommend taking antibiotics “to complicate the virus” …
And that is! A mild form of the disease affects about 80 percent. infected with coronary infection, some infected do not even feel any symptoms, but can infect others; and about 20 percent. requires examination in a hospital, and about 6 to 8 percent. They are left for treatment in a hospital that lasts a variety of 2-4 to 6 weeks, which is why it is so important to slow the spread of the virus as much as possible.
Collaborate with your GP! And in case of severe deterioration, especially dyspnea, call 112. We will immediately overcome the pandemic. Let’s protect each other. Let’s avoid unnecessary contacts. “
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