Klaipeda is among the leaders of the infection: the municipality will enforce stricter quarantine restrictions


The port city is currently the third largest in the country in terms of COVID-19 infection. That is why the Klaipėda Municipality is determined to apply stricter quarantine restrictions than those recommended by the government. Due to the increasing number of coronavirus cases during quarantine weeks, students in grades 5-12 are likely to only receive distance education rather than blended learning as recommended.

According to data from the last two weeks, the number of people infected by coronavirus in the port city is double the Lithuanian average.

According to the number of patients, Klaipeda is currently in third place among cities in the country.

The greatest despair is driven by “Klaipeda Hope”. But up to now there is no need to fence the Stop bar building.

Last day, 226 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Klaipeda, mostly since the beginning of the pandemic.

The largest fireplace at the moment is in the institution for the disabled “Klaipėdos viltis”, where the 30 wards and more than 20 employees of the institution were infected.

“The hope of Klaipėda is the greatest despair, but until now it is not necessary to close the building with the Stop strip,” Klaipėda city mayor Vytautas Grubliauskas told a remote press conference.

The activities of three educational institutions: the progymnasium “Sendvaris” and the kindergartens “Žuvėdra” and “Saulutė” have been suspended for at least a week due to the spread of COVID-19. Whether the facilities will continue to close will be clarified by the end of next week.

During the next three weeks of quarantine, 5th-12th grade students from all other schools will study remotely, rather than mixed, as recommended by the Government.

Vytautas Grubliauskas / Editorial file photo.

This is the municipality’s decision on the dynamics of the spread of COVID-19 in Klaipeda.

Dental institutions and other emergency medical institutions will operate in Klaipeda during the quarantine period.

The city authorities await the awareness of public transport users, asking people to keep their distance, not to get on a bus if there are already many people on it and to wait for another.

Starting at midnight on Saturday, according to the government’s decision, a three-week quarantine will begin in Lithuania.
