One of the most dangerous level crossings in the country will be safer: what will change?


“The reconstruction of the Lentvaris pass, which has already begun, is vital for the residents of this city, because both doctors and firefighters are killed by passing trains that circulate one after another. The locals also suffer from wasting time in unnecessary congestion. Nothing has been done for a long time to rebuild this dangerous crossing, ”says Minister J. Narkevič.

The project recently installed an intersection of different levels: a tunnel for cars under the railway with a common lane for pedestrians and bicycles, viaducts for pedestrians and cyclists (2 units), one-level intersections, a small roundabout (Geležinkelio streets and Fabriko) and a small roundabout (Klevų al. And Vilnius gram.). Existing and recently installed street sections (Vokės, Kęstutis, Sodų, Stadiono and Dzūkų sts) are being rebuilt, as well as new pedestrian and bicycle paths, sidewalks, retaining walls and noise-reducing barriers. The existing engineering networks have recently been installed and rebuilt.

The project is implemented as a single project, the initiator and organization of which is the Lithuanian Highway Administration SE, which meets the needs of road users and the public, implements the state policy of development, maintenance and road safety. Project Partners: Trakai District Municipality Administration and AB LTG Infra.
