COVID-19 has infected Boss, her husband and her daughter: a coincidence is concerning


The entrepreneur Daina Bosas reported being infected with coronavirus on the social network Instagram on Tuesday morning. It is true that not only is she ill, but also her husband Antanas Bosas and her daughter Magdalena.

“Know what I want to tell you that I was able to take the test yesterday. The whole family made it. Is anyway crowns not until he finds it himself. Not only am I sick, but the whole family is fed up with me: both the child and the husband. But they are asymptomatic. To my great surprise, ”a well-known businesswoman commented on the situation.

Bos said that he felt worse and wished others would protect themselves. “It just came to my attention then. Be careful. It’s unpleasant to have, you know? Also, how unpleasant it is to have any other cold, flu or virus. Be healthy and be careful,” Bos said.

The woman said she was concerned about a strange coincidence. “But what I can’t stop thinking about – my husband was vaccinated against the flu – now it’s a quadrivalent vaccine a month ago. We had a dispute with him because I refused to get vaccinated. I didn’t get vaccinated and he got vaccinated. I know, maybe I’m loose, but I can’t stop thinking about it. Like him, now being 65 is asymptomatic and I’m symptomatic. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I can’t think about it. So, in my personal experience, I’ll probably still get the flu shot next time, ”Bos said of the troubling coincidences.
