MFA: The new electoral system in Sakartvele has boosted confidence in democracy


“We consider these parliamentary elections to be an important step in the consolidation of democracy in Sakartvele. The new electoral system has increased the confidence of political parties and citizens in the democratic process. We hope that in the future, a further improvement of the system election provides opportunities for a broader range of political forces to be represented in parliament, ”said the ministry report released Sunday.

He also expressed the hope that the ruling majority formed after the second round of elections will undertake without delay further reforms that are important to the town of Saccharvel, in particular through the implementation of the European Union (EU) -Achartwell Association Agreement.

“Lithuania is ready to continue close cooperation with the Sakartvel government, which has secured the trust of the country’s citizens, will continue to constantly advocate for the strengthening of Sakartvel’s independence and restoration of territorial integrity, and will provide support to Sakartwell to join the EU and NATO. “

The ruling Sakartwell Dream party announced Sunday that it had won the parliamentary elections, opposition parties refused to acknowledge the preliminary voting results and called demonstrations.

Due to Sakartwell’s complicated electoral rules, the final composition of the 150-seat parliament could only be clarified in late November.

Parliamentary elections in Sakartvele were held under a new system, with 120 members elected pro rata instead of 77, and 30 instead of 73 by majority.

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