STT Central Research Board is established


Considering that so far both the criminal intelligence carried out by the STT and the pre-trial investigations have been organized on a territorial (county) basis, it has been decided to establish a central investigation unit: the Central Investigation Board. The Central Board of Investigation will carry out its activities both on the territory of Vilnius County and, in individual cases, throughout Lithuania. This board will coordinate investigations carried out by two or more STT territorial boards, STT previously reported.

In order for the Office to actively participate in the implementation of the Civil Property Confiscation Law, to detect potentially corrupt assets both in Lithuania and abroad, to clarify the origin of these assets, to effectively reveal the mechanisms of such enrichment, the Central Board of Investigation establishes an Asset Search Division.

The STT Central Board of Investigation will be headed by Darius Balčiūnas, who has been the head of the Vilnius Board since December 2017.

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