R.Dromantas, suspected of murdering Prabilas Daškė: “There is no progress in the case; a show commissioned for 1.5 million euros was carried out” | 15MAX


“I can comment on this lie spread by this character only as a standard method of a mobster to create a defensive version for himself and spread it as widely as possible, including through the media, to influence law enforcement authorities dealing with of their cases, “said A. Čėsna.

Broke in like a terrorist residence

On September 23, Aro’s fighters broke into a house reminiscent of a fortress in Kačerginė.

“They had to break into Dromantas’ house in Kaunas district, he didn’t open the door forever” lrytas.lt said Viktoras Grabauskas, the head of Aro.

However, R.Dromantas himself put it the absolutely opposite plot of the day’s events. According to him, the fighters of the anti-terrorist operations team “Aras” did not even try to knock on his door, but immediately broke it. It is because R.Dromantas is dangerous and is armed.

However, he himself does not understand such a reason. A few years ago, in another investigation, officials had decided to remove his weapons. R. Romantas claims that he himself took them to the police, and when the case finally fell apart, everything was returned to him.

“The special forces broke into the house as if they were not people living in it, but a terrorist residence,” 15 minutes R.Dromantas stated. – All weapons and ammunition found and seized in the officials’ houses were legally acquired and retained. The forces of order were aware of the weapons and ammunition that I kept in my house because they were all legally acquired and maintained. “

“I would never hide from the police, they invited me to come for questioning and I defended myself through legal means,” he added.

During the assault, according to R.Dromantas, a lot of exaggeration was used: at first a smoke screen was used, then, when Aro’s fighters climbed a high fence and entered the courtyard, sound grenades were thrown both outside and inside, windows broken and broken doors.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / A moment of hoop surgery

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / A moment of hoop surgery

“None of the officials attempted to enter the house in a civilized manner, simply knocking on the door and carrying out a search warrant,” he said. “Someone really wanted as much excitement and spectacle as possible.”

By the way, R.Užukauskas has not even been accused of being arrested for being beautiful. She transported her son to school at the time and obeyed the officers’ request to stop, turned off the engine, opened the window, and kept her hands on the steering wheel of the car.

“However, during the arrest, he was lying face down on the asphalt together with his youngest son,” hinted R. Romantas.

Liberation to freedom

According to the interlocutor, and the whole process that followed was just a great performance. The prosecutor asked the court to arrest the men suspected of killing Daškė, and law enforcement immediately informed the media.

In addition, R.Dromantas, handcuffed, was brought to the Vilnius City District Court through the main gate and waited for a time with the escort of forensic scientists at the door of the courtroom, where operators and photographers had enough time to capture the suspect.

VIDEO: R.Dromantas’ lawyer comments on the suspicions presented to his client

Who needed this show? Probably the same people who tried to arrest the suspects in the most effective way possible using force and specifications. measures, – R. Romantas is convinced. – In the Vilnius District Court, investigating judges have the opportunity to consider the question of pre-trial detention in sufficiently remote courtrooms located in the basement of the building or in other corridors on the upper floors, which can be accessed by official elevators. People detained in these places will be brought before officials with virtually no contact with the outsiders’ eyes. “

Kaunas Police Photo / Rolandas Dromantas, Robertas Užukauskas

Kaunas Police Photo / Rolandas Dromantas, Robertas Užukauskas

The verdicts of the trial court were unfavorable for the suspects, R.Dromantas could be arrested for one month and R.Užukauskas for three.

R.Dromantas is convinced that the judge sent both suspects behind bars without resisting the pressure. His opinion may be supported by the position of three judges of the Vilnius Regional Court, who quietly released both suspects after examining allegations about their detention.

“The court has ruled, on the basis of the information available, that the objectives of the Code of Criminal Procedure can be achieved with less lenient detention than with more severe detention.” 15 minutes said Lina Nemeikaitė, representative of the Vilnius Regional Court.

Through a new ruling, the court ordered R.Dromantas to seize his identity document and arrest him for three months while he remained at his home in Kačerginė for 24 hours.

At that time, R.Užukauskas was not only confiscated from his passport, he was given a necklace and ordered not to leave his home in Kaunas more than 800 meters away. If a Kaunas resident took at least one more step, they would be in danger of losing their € 40,000 bail and the court could decide on the tightening of preventive measures.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Nuteistųjų dėvima apykojė

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Nuteistųjų dėvima apykojė

It has been said that R.Dromantas and R.Užukauskas could have organized the murder of R.Daškevičius from the moment he was shot at by a sniper in the center of the capital almost 2 decades ago, so the statement of suspicion was not a big surprise for them.

R. Romant himself cannot speak much about these suspicions: the obligation that surrounds him does not reveal the data of the investigation.

“Unfortunately, the law prohibits the disclosure of data from the pre-trial investigation, so I cannot comment on the details of the pre-trial investigation, comment on the evidence, its origin and probative value. However, the mere fact that the court did not succumb to the agitation provoked by journalists and found that the prosecutor’s request for the most severe pre-trial detention was unfounded clearly suggests thatbreakthrough case“It’s just a headline,” he says.

Put your finger on a famous businessman

R.Dromantas usually names all this research: it is an elementary desire to discredit him and form his image as an outlaw. Who needs that?

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