Grigonis, who has become the hero of the evening: “It’s fun that we won, but we can do even better” / News


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Nuotr .: AFP-Scanpix

After playing a career match, Marius Grigonis did not overestimate his performance after the victory over Vilerbano ASVEL and stated that the most important thing was that Kaunas “Žalgiris” get the victory.

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“It just came to our attention then. We can do better. That first half is like that … I don’t know what to say, why they passed, but most importantly, we won ”, Grigonis did not expand after the victory.

“Žalgiris” missed 50 points in the first half of the match, while in the second half – 24. When asked what caused such a change, Grigonis did not mention a specific aspect.

“The difference is that we started to defend ourselves. Are they tired or are we starting to defend better in the second half? He no longer overlooks us one by one. I don’t know what determines this, but it is not good. However, the 4-0 away is very, very good, “said Žalgiris.

The final ASVEL composition for tonight’s match came out just before the match. When asked about the uncertainty that existed before the game, the defender said the preparations were as if ASVEL were in full swing.

“It just came to our attention then. Such a situation that we have to be happy to play in general. And they are happy to have played. I mean, at times like these, we have to be glad that we are playing, and if we still win, it is from the everything super“Grigonis said.

Grigonis, who put on the show of his career, scored 25 points tonight (6/8 dvit., 2/6 trit., 7/7 penalties), made 3 assists, bounced 2 balls and scored 27 utility points.

“I would be happier, they are not the first tragic side of the defense. Then I could praise myself, and now what … Okay, we won. The attack may have been more successful, but it is not possible to defend from this way ”, said the defender.

Grigonis was also pleased with the performance of Lukas Lekavičius, who added 13 points and 18 utility points to the victory.

“It just came to our attention then. Luke reveals himself in all this year: you talk to him more, because the person has really expanded the vocabulary. It’s really funny that everything went so well for him too, ”Grigonis said with a smile on his face.

Žalgiris also agreed that it was not easy to play in the second half, but admitted that this was to be expected when fighting a team like ASVEL.

“I played about 10 minutes without changes, I got tired. This is normal: when you get tired, ask for a change. ASVEL is a very physical team, contact and it is normal, there are always games of this type with them ”, concluded Grigonis.
