15 minutes contacted Laima, who confirmed the good news and did not hide her joy from her newborn daughter.
“It just came to our knowledge then. Everything, as I say, succeeded. It seems like a bloody pain, but the pain is in the past and now it’s probably the greatest joy. I’m still trying to believe that that miracle already exists,” L said. Tamulyte-Stonče.
When asked if she had already chosen a name for the girl, the interpreter says that she had thought of a name with her husband for a long time.
“We really think all the time, Emiliukas was very beautiful to us. This is what we’ll really call Emilia, ”he thinks.
True, the woman could not have children for a long time, so this pregnancy became a real surprise for both her and her husband.
“It was already unconvincing for us, but you know that when people shoot and release everything with their thoughts, they say that then something happens or not. As I say, I still don’t know in which monastery, in what church, in the sanctuary they listened to us, but it seems that they still gave us that one opportunity. Well, good start, maybe we’ll catch up ” 15 minutes L. Tamulyte-Stonce smiled.
The artist shared the first news about the birth of her daughter on a social network account, where she received many sincere greetings.
“Mom and Dad. Gediminas Stončius, can you believe it? God, I can not ask you for more than this miracle that you have given us,” the woman rejoiced in the social network.
He was expecting his firstborn on October 13, his birthday, when he was 41 years old, he was expecting his firstborn. After sharing an ultrasound photo, the long-awaited baby was called a miracle from God and the greatest gift.
This time 15 minutes After contacting L. Tamulyte-Stonče, she accepted the congratulatory message, but asked not to publish it in the media yet; he said he wanted to live in peace during a waiting period.
And it’s no wonder, because Laima has spoken before about the difficulties of trying to conceive.
On the talk show “The Hour with Ruth” shown in 2013, the woman made no secret of her grief when people asked her directly why she had no children.

Photo by Justinas Auškelis / Photo Day / Laima Tamulytė-Stončė
“I don’t usually show that it hurts a lot. I cry at home. What woman does not want to be a mother? ”The performer, named Rock’n’Roll mother, publicly admitted for the first time that she wanted to see a doctor and that she would like to have at least two children.
In the same year, on the “Prie pietų stalo” program of “Žinių radijo”, after said confession, he said that he had made an unexpected offer, which made him lose control.
“I probably wouldn’t offer anyone the kind of messages that I received after the last of the shows. I didn’t think such miracles were happening in Lithuania that people would take a call and say something.
The message sounded something like this: “I can take a child for you for 20 thousand. I say sure, I almost fell out of the chair. And I wrote: “Maybe you are wrong in the head?” Said the woman.