The president vetoed the mandatory establishment of elders


“The unilateral decision to force municipalities to establish elders contradicts efforts to form a culture of cooperation in the country. I call for a further strengthening of relations between the central and local government based on trust and partnership, ”said G. Nausėda.

The Head of State declares that he will reconsider the amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government approved on October 15, taking into account the request of the Association of Municipalities of Lithuania.

The amendments to the law violate the constitutional principle of self-government and freedom of activity.

According to G. Nausėda, the provision of the law on the establishment of mandatory elders contradicts the memorandum on strengthening self-government signed by the parties on September 3 and also creates preconditions for ignoring the public interests of local communities and increasing bureaucracy. municipal.

“The amendments to the law violate the constitutional principle of self-government and freedom of activity, as well as Lithuania’s international obligations related to the right of local authorities to independently determine their internal administrative structure that meets the needs of local residents and ensure effective governance, “said the presidency.

In vetoing the amendments to the law, the president also noted that there are no plans to allocate additional funds to municipalities where elders should be established.

“This means that the entire financial burden of the mandatory establishment of the elderly would be transferred to the municipalities and their residents. In the opinion of the President, this would restrict the constitutional rights of municipalities to form and implement the budget, as well as the possibilities of municipalities to use the funds from their budgets to meet the needs of local communities, ”the report states.

The Head of State proposes that the aforementioned amendment to the Local Autonomy Law not be approved and that another amendment to the same law be specified, establishing that the members of the council of municipalities without elders cannot have more than three social workers.

On October 15, the Seimas adopted an amendment to the Local Autonomy Law that establishes that the elderly must be established in each municipality.

One of the authors of the project, the “farmer” Zenon Streikus, stated that if the elderly were established, the services would be closer to the population.

The Association of Municipalities of Lithuania evaluated the amendment adopted by the Seimas as a restriction of the rights and freedoms of self-government.

Luke April / Photo of 15min / Zenonas Strikes

Luke April / Photo of 15min / Zenonas attacks

More than 500 elderly people have been established in Lithuania, which do not exist in five municipalities: the cities of Alytus, Klaipėda and Panevėžys and Neringa and Visaginas.

Last June, the Seimas began considering a bill on electoral elections to be chosen by secret ballot in direct elections for four years.
