G. Aliyeva spent the whole night in the hospital. The singer’s son, Amil, who likes to do tricks on his scooter in his spare time, needed medical help.
“He was injured not with an electric scooter, but with a ‘trick’ scooter. The son fell face down from the ramp. Neither the protector nor the helmet protected his face from the impact. Unfortunately, there was an unfortunate angle of fall from which neither protection would have helped. I had to sew a lip. Because it was a head injury, we had to stay up all night. ” Delphi says the interlocutor.
While Goda and her offspring waited for help, of course the woman saw with her own eyes what she now faces in the country’s hospitals. The singer was a bit surprised.
“I also had to see the situation of the coronavirus, which is currently in hospitals. Really ridiculous situation. For people who don’t face it head-on or haven’t visited medical facilities recently, it seems like it’s all just a joke. But when you wake up in the hospital, when you are among the doctors and you hear what they are talking about, you become anxious.
I have heard that certain rooms are temporarily closed, that they cannot allow patients to enter certain rooms because they need to be disinfected. When a person with coronavirus is transported, they are isolated from others, after which everything is disinfected. Such a procedure takes time and interferes not only with doctors in their normal work, but also with patients who come for other complaints. I saw with my own eyes the action that is currently taking place in hospitals.
In my opinion, the quarantine should be announced as soon as possible. You should sit at home safely and not abuse the outings. The impression is that everything is fine for everyone as long as it does not affect us. And when you touch it, unfortunately, it may be too late. There is really nothing to look forward to, the number of cases is huge. It is better now that we all quarantine ourselves, work remotely or at least abstain for a while until all this situation is covered, when we can return to life, because the situation in hospitals is really nothing, “said G. Alijeva .
Witnessing to God, the heavy workload and the pace of the doctors did not stop at night either.
“When disasters like this happen to me, it seems that medical attention must be urgent, you want it here and now, but you can’t do anything when there are other people in front of you who need that help more urgently. or the doctor himself, the necessary medication is in a completely different flank of the hospital. Only the doctors don’t even have the physical ability to help, he agrees right away, so all you have to do is wait.
There was a lot of stress, but everything is fine, which ends well. In the context of these days, I don’t want anyone ending up in medical facilities, well, unless it’s really necessary. The situation is definitely much more serious than I thought. Until I really deal with it, it seems like I’m living my life and everything, but after a hospital visit, I wish people were busier. I saw the eyes of the doctors, I saw how nervous they were, how much work they had, and how they could not physically get anywhere. At this time, everyone should be supportive, have patience and, if a disaster has already occurred, wait patiently for help when help is provided, ”says the singer.
While at the reception, Aliyeva saw with her own eyes the emergence of those who, even seeing doctors constantly, are outraged by the need to wait.
“I saw a person in the reception department who was outraged that they weren’t helping him at that very moment, even though I had spent two hours with the boy. I have seen doctors running from one end to the other, really trying to help, but without keeping up to date. And those cases of coronavirus slow down everything even more, everything is quickly closed, isolated, disinfected so that other patients can enter those rooms soon. The situation is terrible, “he said.
The singer thanks the doctors and her son is already recovering. Also, Aliyeva added that it would be worthwhile to distance yourself from unnecessary meetings and stay home at this time.
“After starting all night, we are finally home, we have to recover. Thank God and the doctors that everything ended happily. My son is a brave child, he already said that when he gets sick he will learn to ride a scooter again ”, smiled the interlocutor.
Delphi remember that the situation in Covid-19 is increasingly complex. Last week, Lithuanian doctors themselves addressed the public. They ask people to consciously choose where to go, to avoid unnecessary appointments, and to use safeguards to help the entire medical community in the country fight Covid-19.
Doctors fear that if the pace of the virus continues to accelerate, the country will not only have no choice but to introduce quarantine, but will again have to restrict the provision of some other medical services, which could have very painful consequences that are now being carried out. avoiding.
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