Currently, pre-registered customers have priority at company branches, and unregistered people are served only when a vacancy occurs, that is, when pre-registered customers do not arrive or cancel their visit. This customer service procedure will continue, Regitra notes.
Taking into account the Government’s decision to guarantee 10 square meters M. m area, the number of people served at the same time will be limited in the subdivisions of the company that fall in the territories of those municipalities where the quarantine has been announced. For example, if the area of the customer service room reaches 70 square meters. m, then it will serve up to 7 clients.
The same principle of work organization will be applied in the theoretical exam classes, published in the Regitra report. On this basis, the number of exam places will be planned in advance. Also, some of the exams will be done on an ongoing basis or will be postponed to other days. Company employees will contact the individuals whose theory exams will be canceled and suggestions will be offered at other possible times. For other people, the exams will be held as scheduled.
With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Lithuania, Regitra invites customers to use electronic services. It is possible not only to exchange a driver’s license remotely, but also to register a vehicle previously operated in Lithuania or advertise its sale, request a new registration certificate and license plates, etc.
To manage customer flows, all electronic orders will be delivered only by courier or to the nearest post office.
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