The Dance with a Star project had to be left Monika Maria and Justin Mejer-Ustin. The couple’s dance did not impress the commission: it awarded only 18 points.
Meanwhile, Dovydas Laukys and Melisa Valinovič, considered a favorite, received the most praise from the commission. The commission awarded them 27 points, and Judge Eglė Visockaitė rated the couple’s dance in the top ten this season.
“It just came to our attention then. This is great driving, I don’t know how he will achieve it,” E. Visockaitė did not hide his admiration.

Photo by Dovydas Laukys and Melisa Valinovič / E. Blaževič / LRT
On the verge of surviving, this time the two pairs with the least praise from the commission balanced: Monika Linkytė and Rolandas Beržinis, who jumped with a java, and Monika Marija and Justinas Mejeris-Ustin, who chose a deck. The Commission awarded both couples 18 points each.
“Jiva is not exactly the dance I saw here. You were furious like two frogs. However, for example, we didn’t see the elements of swing at all,” E.Visockaitė commented on the dance of M.Linkytė and R.Beržinis.
The fourth show “Dance with a Star” featured not only classical dance works, but also Lithuanian music. Spectators of the show were able to see what the samba, tango and Vienna waltz dance according to Lithuanian works.
Tonight, a large number of celebrities – stylist Joringis Šatas, television presenter Richardas Jonaitis, artists Monika Linkytė, Vaidas Baumila, Monika Marija, florist, former priest Edgaras Vegys, singer and actress Kristit Radži -, singer Dovydas Laukys, the actor Arnoldas Eisimantas, the actress Jovita Balčiūnaitė and the journalist Dovilė Šeduikytė.
Final points will be announced during the show, and spectator votes will be announced only after the finale. The project organizers have chosen not to show the audience voting in real time so as not to promote the telephone voting contest.